Prepaid card


Well-Known Member
I will order seeds from single seed center. Is it safe to use my prepaid card for the payment?
They said me that they accept euros but i will have to do a currency exchange and they prefer english pounds. Is it safe if i pay in euros?
I don't know. It's up to them. I would wait until Tuesday to order. Check their Facebook for a 20% off code
U can get a prepaid visa or MasterCard from almost any bank. that works international thats what I did after my walmart visa wouldn't work. Ask and make sure it works over seas.
U can get a prepaid visa or MasterCard from almost any bank. that works international thats what I did after my walmart visa wouldn't work. Ask and make sure it works over seas.

????? Are you speaking about a debit card ??????

I have never seen banks selling pre-paid cards .