Cloning is not that hard, if you take a tried and true method and follow the instructions to the T (of course if you don't have the exact lights you can always just use whatever fluorescent or cfls you have on hand), than you will have great success.
Try uncle al's Method
Should give you good results.
Trust me when i say that clones are the way to go if you want a perpetual harvest. They are ready for flower as soon as they're rooted, will not suffer from as much stretching, and you can select the strongest and most vigorous plants as mothers giving you more uniform growth. Not to mention you get all females (assuming they're cloned from female plants. =) giving you one less thing to worry about.
The fact of the matter is, I was once scared of cloning too, but the benefiets are too great to ignore, just be dilligent, patient, dont overwater and give your plants plenty of love and theres nothing you cant do. (got a little cheesy at the end there, but its true)
Good luck and happy growing.