prepping rock wool

how do i prep my rock wool for my seedlings?? ph and nute and such. Someone commented to water it does that mean soak it or what? Just what do I need to do to this stuff?
Well from what I've read in the past, u shouldn't put any nutes until it's at least 1-2 week's old.

And for soaking it, I think ur just suppose to keep it damp, "like a facecloth rung out", someone said.

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Soak your rockwool cube in pH adjusted water for 1 hour or so. You can also buy conditioning solution from a hydroponic store that will adjust the pH of the rockwool. Then once you are ready to place the seedling in the rockwool, take the rockwool and give it 3 or 4 hard shakes to remove the excess water. Do not squeeze the rockwool because doing so will create air pockets which you do not want. As for nutrients, wait till your 2nd or 3rd set of leaves form.

Illegal Smile

Rock wool should be wet but not sopping wet. I put them on a plate after soaking and just tap them down on it to get water out. You can squeeze them a little but not like a sponge.
Soak your rockwool cube in pH adjusted water for 1 hour or so. You can also buy conditioning solution from a hydroponic store that will adjust the pH of the rockwool. Then once you are ready to place the seedling in the rockwool, take the rockwool and give it 3 or 4 hard shakes to remove the excess water. Do not squeeze the rockwool because doing so will create air pockets which you do not want. As for nutrients, wait till your 2nd or 3rd set of leaves form.
ph adjusted??? to what?


Well-Known Member
The cubes should be soaked in water with a PH of 5.5 for an hour or so - then shake to remove most of the water.


The cube should remain slightly moist - not wet until roots grow out of cube.
To wet the cube after seedlings are started dip just the very bottom of the cube in water - do not keep the cube wet.
The cubes should be soaked in water with a PH of 5.5 for an hour or so - then shake to remove most of the water.


The cube should remain slightly moist - not wet until roots grow out of cube.
To wet the cube after seedlings are started dip just the very bottom of the cube in water - do not keep the cube wet.
the cubes will be in hydroton pebbles in net cups after seedlings are inserted and get continous water. i am doing bubbleponic setup. Is this right?

Illegal Smile

I put germinated seeds into a bubbleponics unit recently with no pump and no feeder tubes. So it was basically a simple dwc. The netpots were staying moist up about 1/2 inch just from the bubbles and mist from 4 airstones and a good air pump. I had 2 sets of leaves in 36 hours.


Well-Known Member
Staying too wet really slows root growth, so I leave the cubes on the less moist side to promote root growth - works well for me anyway.