preseason football


Well-Known Member
well football season is here everyone. any predictions about whats gunny happen?

the raiders are looking pretty nice this year. im watchin them vs. dallas and that 7th round draft pick they got is runnin the ball pretty nicely..............


Well-Known Member
the raiders are garbage!!! Send them to a European league already. Micheal vick in the eagles??? But I don't likethe eagles either.


Well-Known Member
Eagles is winning the super bowl this year.Anyone know who one Eagles vs Patriots last I checked it was 27/25 Patriots.


Well-Known Member
the raiders are garbage!!! Send them to a European league already. Micheal vick in the eagles??? But I don't likethe eagles either.
yea Michael signed a 2 year contract with the egles yesterday. the head coach stressed that its important to give ppl second chances. he said that he gave ppl close to him many chances and they keep failing so why not give Michael one.


Well-Known Member
i talked so much shit to the raiders fans watchin online last night. they acted like that shit was the superbowl. against like the 4th string hahaha.


Active Member
Pats looking good, they took it to the Eagles in the first half last night. Then the 2nds and 3rds came in and ruined it all. Most of their draft picks look great.


Well-Known Member
Niners are gonna take the NFC west this year it will take a few more seasons to get to a superbowl and even win but we will return in full force soon


Active Member
i love football..... my whole fam loves fottball but im not looking foward to the very first game of the season... i'ts on my b-day .... that means... my whole fam will froget my b-day and watch football alllllll day... then on monday will call... omg i forgot about u...... love football.. born a niner i will die a niner but in the middle im kinda a patroits fan.... altho there starting to suck... so maybe... idk...


Well-Known Member
Indianapolis Colts will hopefully be representing the AFC in the Superbowl. They look good, improved a lot in key areas this offseason, and have a fresh coach at the helm. Even though I was saddened by Dungy's departure, I think they'll pick up where they left off. If only they can quit losing first round playoff games!

As for the NFC, who knows. Giants look good. Green Bay will be improved. The Cowboys will hopefully fail miserably, and perhaps the Eagles will make it to another NFC championship game, only to LOSE.....again!

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
yea Michael signed a 2 year contract with the egles yesterday. the head coach stressed that its important to give ppl second chances. he said that he gave ppl close to him many chances and they keep failing so why not give Michael one.
If people he gave second chances to constantly failed, why would he give him a second chance? makes no sence


Active Member
Niners are trash and always will be.
to you they r cause ur not from sf.... its the thing with football guy tend to like the closest team to them... its funny.. but i dont really care who gets where as long as a have cable to watch the games...


im a saints fan, but love all football. i can't wait to see how we do this year and even though we normally just do ok, we will have our great season soon.
if reggie gets to running instead of trying to dance around people, lol.