pretty little tops


Active Member
check it out, i posted a pic of this plant yesterday and it was juuust beginning to show female traits... check it out now :D so pretty.. from unknown origin i've named supaweed - i think my enthusiasm cheered it on to grow some poonani :)

3 pics, all same plant various age budsites (older and younger branches)



Active Member
well shit that's no good.... i had similar thoughts when i was taking those photos but i felt that the likelyhood of an intersex plant on my very first attempt was a slim chance.... especially since one of the other plants (the runt of the group) has one budsite in the upper canopy that is looking very similar to the budsites on the plant in the pics in this thread.....

so that would mean 2 hermies, which is even MORE unlikely.... or so i would think............ it would appear to me as i scrutinize these budding sites that all the male looking parts (or damn well most of them) have something else growing there too, which is nice and white.... not a superlong hair like i'm expecting, but a very crisp defined white strand or two..... more apparent on the top of the cola than the joint of the leaf/stem .... it looks like the white strands are most heavilly concentrated on the very top growth tips of the bud sites and the joint areas have what looks to be a mix...... but i'm thinking they're just the newer female pistils before they pop out.... any expert opinions??


Active Member
ok i just snapped this pic, gettin slightly worried, but as this is my first grow, i'm not 100% sure this is intersex.... it definitely LOOKS like it could be.... but that would mean i now have TWO seperate hermie plants.... and i just figured that would be crazy unlikely..... what do the experts think?????


Spartan Grower

Active Member
looks like its a hermaphadite i have been reading a book by ed roshental a great man on growing. it has a picture in my book that looks exactly like that 1 good hint is that the pant doesn't have any white sex pistals coming out.


Well-Known Member
You dont have a hermi or a female you got a male, the new growth looks like white hairs sprouting out.