Preventative Insect Sticky Strips - Where to place?


Well-Known Member
I've been reading through the "Plant Problems" section and am getting a little scared of insects so want to do some preventative bug control. I grow indoor and the room is clean. I start each grow with new soil, new fabric pots, and grow from seeds so no clones enter. I am on my 4th grow since getting back into this a couple years ago. No problems and no signs of bugs at all through those grows, but many years back I had spider mites from a clone I got and it was a real hassle as many know.

So, my question is, where is the best place to put sticky strips or tape for preventative purposes. I have the fly catcher tape rather than the yellow squares of sticky pads (pic attached). Will they be effective or is it wise to get the yellow ones? Do I just hang a few random ones around the room, or hang under the plant from some branches, or above the plant, or does it even matter? Thoughts?

I would try to place one as directly under the light as possible without blocking light from your plants...most bugs will naturally be drawn to light, like a porch light turned on at night. But I'm not all that experienced with bugs, so maybe we can get a 2nd opinion!
I find this placement the most effective.

I get 20 packs from china through ebay for $.45 a sheet.
That might change with the new tariffs IDK.
I cut each sheet into 7 or 8 pieces and line the inside of my pots with them.
They tend to last 3 weeks before the gnats dance on them and fly off lol.
Quite easy to cut new ones and replace the old ones.
I would try to place one as directly under the light as possible without blocking light from your plants...most bugs will naturally be drawn to light, like a porch light turned on at night. But I'm not all that experienced with bugs, so maybe we can get a 2nd opinion!
That might work with fruit flies, fungus gnats spend most of their time close to the soil.
Great! I like both ideas. I've ordered some inexpensive bulk yellow strips and will place them around the perimeter of the soil and close to the light. I don't think I have to worry too much about bugs as I haven't had an issue in a while. I didn't mention, this is the first year I'm growing both indoor and outdoor, so I'm a little nervous of bringing something inside from the outdoor plants. I never go directly from outdoor plants into my indoor room... but it's still on my mind.