Not trying to hijack the OPs question, in a related thought stream:
what preventative measures can be applied specifically for heading off bud rot ???
My seed breeder (mandalaseeds) says the following on their
website (which is full of ace advice btw)
"Plants with a very dense head cola may develop bud mold towards harvest time despite precautionary measures. The safest method to prevent this is to open the head cola about 10-14 days before harvest by carefully cutting out a bud in the top half. This leaves a gap where sufficient air exchange can take place to allow the otherwise trapped moisture within the head cola to escape. It is quite seldom that a head cola will still develop mold when this procedure is carried out. For this method you have to proceed carefully because the single buds in a compact cola lie directly next to the stem and it is important not to accidentally cut into it with the scissor. Make a small incision first to loosen the bud so that you can see exactly where the stem is before cutting further. Very mold susceptible strains can start to rot no matter what precautions are taken"
I have humidity pinned at 40-50% (with a dehumidifier running and outside air intake), temps above 20C/68F.
Does anyone have any advice on carrying out the 'opening the head cola' operation?