Preventing Autos flowering early outside

I'm in New York, zone 7 a/b. It's tough with photos out here since the humidity usually encourages bud rot. So I'd like to try growing autos outside.

Every auto I've tried to grow outdoors ends up flowering way too early. like 6 inches early.

Is there some special trick to doing this? I'm guessing it's the actual transplant itself or the soil/air temps perhaps?

I will be growing in the ground.

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When do you put them out? I used to start early May now I wait till June 1st.. Get alot bigger now..
Hey. In the past, usually when I do my peppers. So when the night time temps are consistently above 55 f. I'm guessing that was too early. I remember some guy saying he starts in fabric bags and then just plants the entire bag in the ground and the roots grow through it.:confused:
New grower but WHEN I get around to autos I would research highest dli months of your area and plant to match this information. I found it on an agriculture website ran by Ohio.