Price wars


Well-Known Member
Hello people. Right Ive been on this site for a few months and I have noticed that people have very different opinions of what price weed should be sold at. So I'm going to start a discussion.

My opinion is that you shouldn't sell cheap. I'm in the UK and I'm going to be selling oz's at £250 and I'll have no problem doing so. Anything else under an oz will be sold at £10 per gram.

I would like to hear people views and reasoning behind their prices.


Pure Robbery man I sell proppa stink at £150 oz the problem with the market is that comercial growers grow the wrong strains with low production chould stick to white widow big bud super skunk etc yes they are old skool bud fucking good producers and trust me all my clients prefer this to most rhino or other fucked up strains today's strains have been manipulated to much and loose there originality I also grow about 100kg a year outdoors Durban Poison with superior results and as good as my other varieties sold for £90 to £100 oz
trust me greedy people continue to strugle get the price wright and you'l make a fortune.


Well-Known Member
Pure Robbery man I sell proppa stink at £150 oz the problem with the market is that comercial growers grow the wrong strains with low production chould stick to white widow big bud super skunk etc yes they are old skool bud fucking good producers and trust me all my clients prefer this to most rhino or other fucked up strains today's strains have been manipulated to much and loose there originality I also grow about 100kg a year outdoors Durban Poison with superior results and as good as my other varieties sold for £90 to £100 oz
trust me greedy people continue to strugle get the price wright and you'l make a fortune.
I understand where you are coming from but if your growing 100kg+ per year, you can afford to put it out at £100 per oz or even cheaper. You my friend are a wholeseller. What about the bottom end who do 6-10 plants only producing 20oz per harvest?


you must be growing from seed to harvest try to change technique cuttings u should easy produce double in the same space put 10 sweet big devil seeds outdoors in April they will give you a bar each in about 10 weeks autoflowering verry strong and tasty stinks good go for a walk or pop on the bus stop of in the middle of nowhere and plant it's worth it


Well-Known Member
you must be growing from seed to harvest try to change technique cuttings u should easy produce double in the same space put 10 sweet big devil seeds outdoors in April they will give you a bar each in about 10 weeks autoflowering verry strong and tasty stinks good go for a walk or pop on the bus stop of in the middle of nowhere and plant it's worth it
I'm in Scotland m8. Weather very unpredictable. lol


Yeah! I'm all the way down the botom here a bit better weather still you can try some polly tunnels look for some strains for colder climates they are about as the rutheralis strains come from north europe and russia and are autoflowering anyhow good luck and as long as those nutters want to pay that price cash in


Active Member
Well, I'm on the west coast of the states, weed central. My prices are more a product of the local market than anything else. I grow some quality weed, but so does everyone around me. I shoot for $275 an ounce, with some fluctuations. I'd love to make more, but we have so many quality producers here its not always an option. Legal risks aside, I feel like pot is over priced for the most part, but its not the growers fault, the dealers are much more responsible for it. If I were allowed to grow legally (not talking about medical reasons, free and clear 100% legal free of conditions) I would feel like my bud is worth less, which is unfortunate, because I'm essentially admitting greed and paranoia play a role in a practice that is so pure, organic, and wonderful. Maybe one day we'll decriminalize this once and for all.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm on the west coast of the states, weed central. My prices are more a product of the local market than anything else. I grow some quality weed, but so does everyone around me. I shoot for $275 an ounce, with some fluctuations. I'd love to make more, but we have so many quality producers here its not always an option. Legal risks aside, I feel like pot is over priced for the most part, but its not the growers fault, the dealers are much more responsible for it. If I were allowed to grow legally (not talking about medical reasons, free and clear 100% legal free of conditions) I would feel like my bud is worth less, which is unfortunate, because I'm essentially admitting greed and paranoia play a role in a practice that is so pure, organic, and wonderful. Maybe one day we'll decriminalize this once and for all.
If weed was decriminalized prices would even out but I'm sure our British Government would put a hefty tax on it. So the price may even increase


Well-Known Member
£250 on the O fuck me you'd get stabbed and robbed asking that around south Wales, people will pay 200 for kush or cheese but that's as far as they'll go around here single g's are a tenner for 0.7-1G

Active Member
As a grower I don't think u can call prices, u selling as a whole, where as the street guy has gotta run around for 20s here and there, don't get me wrong it's hard to watch when makes £340 an oz but u want that then u bag up and run around the street.
I know a guy in south London 160 an oz and good stuff kush cheese, fly out


Well-Known Member
As a grower I don't think u can call prices, u selling as a whole, where as the street guy has gotta run around for 20s here and there, don't get me wrong it's hard to watch when makes £340 an oz but u want that then u bag up and run around the street.
I know a guy in south London 160 an oz and good stuff kush cheese, fly out
I agree if someone wants to do the leg work and take more risks by dealing with many many people then he should get rewarded but some of the stuff that's being offered around here is shocking 180-190 an O and it's still wet cheeky fuckers cut it hang it for 4 days then send it out you can't even put it in a grinder because it just clumps together


Well-Known Member
The risk of growing has never been reduced in this country and so has the price of it, where the discrepancy has occurred is with the dealer, instead of increasing his prices he sells you anywhere between 1.2-1.8g for £20 creating animosity. Does a dealer not think his clientele cannot understand price increases when they experience it everyday anyway.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
shit i dont think it enough i always got the medical guy looking at me like as if money grew on trees hahahahahaha wait it does but i have payed my dues. it aint easy so u want a clean hiting product frosty as fuck u gona have to pay cuz my few years of lost crops touble shooting n electrical bills n being a hurmet haveing no friends n being paroniod gota pay some mother fucking thing ow today its just my legal limit but i still want what its worth.