
Link? They said wont have the autopsy report for a few weeks. Last I heard found some meds and was investagsting the Walgreens or something.
When Willie Nelson passes....that'll be big news

I still mourn the death of layne staley..even though it was drugs

Shit Paul Gray I still miss

Link? They said wont have the autopsy report for a few weeks. Last I heard found some meds and was investagsting the Walgreens or something.

Check this:

A doctor of that famous rehab in Cali..something something 'without walls' sent his son with a load of suboxone on a red eye to deliver them to Prince and when he got there he was too late..
Yeah, story gets sadder and sadder. I guess Prince's peeps reached out with his knowledge and the doctor dispatched his son with a pocketful of Sub with the intent of giving it to a doctor that would see Prince later. When he came to the door, the staff went to find Prince - too late. It was the doctor's kid who called 911. I imagine he travelled with Narcan and probably tried to administer it. A horrible thing. Almost in the nick of time.
Here's a good article -

They still haven't released whether the opiates caused his death, but it's looking that way at this point. My buddy guessed right after Prince died that he probably got hooked after his double hip replacement back in 2010, he may turn out to be correct...
That's where my mind immediately went. I am beyond a HUGE Prince fan. I'm a fanatic. I was so sad to hear about it. Sadder than Bowie. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a mega fan and I was getting texts ALL freaking day. I didn't even want to respond. A Musician's death has never impacted me so. And now the disappointing news about yet another fallen into the drug death. Just a shame. So sad.
I always thought he was on hard drugs for his face was sunk in and he did not weight 80 pounds soaking wet.drugs or aids is what I thought was wrong with him for
That's where my mind immediately went. I am beyond a HUGE Prince fan. I'm a fanatic. I was so sad to hear about it. Sadder than Bowie. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a mega fan and I was getting texts ALL freaking day. I didn't even want to respond. A Musician's death has never impacted me so. And no He ww the disappointing news about yet another fallen into the drug death. Just a shame. So sad.

Our reactions to his death sound very similar, I'm still grieving. His music and philosophy meant a lot to me as a kid, I only listened to classical music for years before I heard Prince. That opened up the world of pop music to me, but nobody compared to what he was doing. Strange to feel that way about someone who never knew you existed. Hearing about the drugs was difficult, what seems to be coming out now really disillusioned me. Oh well, he was only human like the rest of us...
Figured he was skinny because he didn't eat lots of hot dogs.

It seems to be getting to the point that Americans are having a difficult time identifying what a healthy person looks like...
