Prison Rape Survivors Discussion Group.


Well-Known Member
I just thought I would start a thread for survivors of prison rape to meet and talk and share their stories and talk about the challenges they face and help offer each other moral support.

Chronic Monster

Well-Known Member
Survivors of prison rape :D,

so would it be a safe guess that you "accidentally" dropped the soap in the shower somewhere along the way ;)


Well-Known Member
When I got locked up they would bring us our meds every morning (whoever took prescriptions)
I was taking a few antidepressants at the time so I just said they were for HIV.

My sweet virgin ass never even got peeked at.


Active Member
you didn`t bump in to the "blackhill butcher" did you.
also known as "hammy the poof" he likes to do the "can you crawl through the space in the back of the chair for a cigarette" trick.
once your half way through, he has you trapped, and will fuck the living daylights out of you.

ouch, sounds painful.



Well-Known Member
I been to jail before, this never happend tho i train in the arts so im not worried. Im also good avoiding fights,the strongest person isnt the one who fights but the one who can avoid them with your mouth piece.


Well-Known Member
The one thing I loved about prison.I was like the white adebisi from that show Oz

I used to set traps,I'd make a trail of jolly ranchers leading into my cell and wrastle him down till hes all worn out then proceed to ram that ass untill it bleeds,then after hes broke in I get rid of him for 15 chili soups


Well-Known Member
The one thing I loved about prison.I was like the white adebisi from that show Oz

I used to set traps,I'd make a trail of jolly ranchers leading into my cell and wrastle him down till hes all worn out then proceed to ram that ass untill it bleeds,then after hes broke in I get rid of him for 15 chili soups
Ive know a guy that knows a guy that killed a guy that seen him do it no joke :-D


Active Member
reminds me of that joke :

theres an englishman, irishman, and scotsman walking through the jungle,
they get captured by the masulu tribe, they say to the englishman, death or bunjy,
he replies bunjy, and they grab him and fuck him in the forest for an hour before letting him go.
they then ask the scotsman death or bunjy, trembling he replies Bbbunjy, they grab him and fuck him for an hour and a half and then let him go.
they ask the irishman, death or bunjy, the irishman replies, death, the pygmy chief screams death by bunjy.


Active Member
The one thing I loved about prison.I was like the white adebisi from that show Oz

I used to set traps,I'd make a trail of jolly ranchers leading into my cell and wrastle him down till hes all worn out then proceed to ram that ass untill it bleeds,then after hes broke in I get rid of him for 15 chili soups
a guy tried that with me, i was so frantic with fear i actually pulled his eyeball out of its socket, once i had that baby in my hand it was over, i kicked him up and down that cell like a pair of empty overalls, i got 60 days in the hole and an extra 2 years.

and the eyeball, they scraped it off the floor with a paint scraper.

and i am being honest, i have never heard anybody scream as loud as him in my life.


Well-Known Member
a guy tried that with me, i was so frantic with fear i actually pulled his eyeball out of its socket, once i had that baby in my hand it was over, i kicked him up and down that cell like a pair of empty overalls, i got 60 days in the hole and an extra 2 years.

and the eyeball, they scraped it off the floor with a paint scraper.

and i am being honest, i have never heard anybody scream as loud as him in my life.