pro advice please

First Id like to thank whoever takes the time out to answer this question of mine, it's greatly appreciated. I've been growing now for 4 years and in no way am I yet a professional. I learn something new everyday it seems, I'm very passionate about the growing and more so the plant in general and the potential for it to benefit mankind. Here's the question, it's hypothetical, I just need your pro advice on a large scale industrial or outdoor grow. If your goal was to harvest 30lbs every 3-4 months, what would be your approach? Finance wasn't an issue, I'd like to see what ideas everyone has, I am listening and eager to learn from this post, I know that asking this question is already a lot, but if any professional grower could come up with a plan and blueprint of what it would take to make that possible, it'd be great. Thanks so much.


Well-Known Member
Can You Afford a pro?These Grower's will not do this for Free, anyone who would just give you that much of there time would be an idiot.Therefore not a Pro...


Well-Known Member
Couldn't do it outdoor since you'd only get one harvest a year and you want to harvest every 3-4 mo.. I'd break it down, lets say you want 30lbs every 3 mo., or 10lbs per mo.. That would be about 2 1/2 lbs per week and that's how I'd approach it.. a batch per week harvest schedule or even a batch every 2 weeks. You'd need an average of finished product per plant to formulate and since we all grow different, we would all have different results (plant height, fertilizer, environmental conditions). Lets say the way you grow each plant is around 1/2 pound of dried product produced so you would need to clone or seed + harvest 5 plants a week. Or 10 if every 2 weeks. So you would need enough room for approximately 60 plants in all stages of growth. Averaging 20 pre flower and 40 in flower on any given day. In my mind that's 2 4' t5's for first 2 weeks of growth and 7-8 1000 watt lights for the rest of the grow depending on finished height. hypothetically.
But hey.. I'm not a pro lol. Just an average Joe with a serious interest in all things pot.
Disclaimer: No brain cells were killed during this post. Hence time to go kill some brain cells.


Well-Known Member
He simply needs to build a climate/light controlled greenhouse and grow trees LOL


Well-Known Member
I would build 4 100sf flower rooms with 5 1000w fixtures each, and a 400sf veg room, with 10 1000w fixtures. This way you could harvest 5 lbs-10lbs every 2 weeks, depending on your skill level.



Active Member
Here's what I would do. You need at least 3 rooms that measure 12' x 12' 2 of these rooms will be flower rooms with 6000 watts per room ( 2 rows of three lights with a 4' space between rows) I would use a flip box and basically mirror this room for the other. Run 6-9 plants per light. The other room will be your veg/clone/mother room. If you run 6 lights and estimating conservatively you could pull 1.5lbs per light. This gives you a 9lb harvest each month (9lbs x 4 months = 36lbs). I would do a DTW system with coco for a medium like this guy


Well-Known Member
ya, long greenhouses with supplemental lighting could do it. but you'd need to light dep in order to hit your chop dates and stay on schedule. and you'd need a hell of a trim crew.