Pro mix hp dry?


Active Member
Hey i am using pro mix hp and was looking at watering threads and i was wondering when you guys say to let the top dry a couple of inches down do you guys mean bone dry? Thanks
Hotrod beat me to it. If you're new to watering, just lift up your fully watered pot and get a feel for the weight. You can even fill up an identical pot with dry promix and do a side by side lift off for comparison. Now you don't want it bone dry, but you want it to go from feeling heavy to feeling light. Just give it some time and practice and it will become second nature to you.
I generally keep the top inch of the soil a little drier than normal, I do this on purpose because it helps control larva gnats. I use an automatic watering system with spikes that lead the water down below the surface of the soil. The surface soil does get moist but nothing like when I feed by hand. Also with an automatic watering system you can let the pump run for the same amount of time when you water. If you figure how much water you need you can set the timer and give the girls the same amount to drink each time.
Good advice above @kronicking421. I've used HP for well over a decade and tend to let mine dry out too much but now that I'm using it as a base mixed with organics I'm trying to water before it dries out so much the plants start drooping. The friendly fungi and bacteria prefer a moist environment to do their work breaking down organic matter into something the plants can eat.

In a decent sized pot dry down a couple of inches is still pretty moist so hoisting the pots is the best way to determine need for more water.
