Probably already fucked....

Mary Jane enthusiast

Active Member
So, im not entirely sure what happened here. The night before i checked em and the were lookin pretty (even if they may have been a little N deficient). but when i checked them this morning they all just suddenly looked, well, dead! i water then every 2-3 days depending on when they need it. no nuts but some organic blood meal (12-0-0 which is also why i think they might be n deficient atm cause its taking a while to deliver those nutes to the plants). Theyre growing under 8 cfls mostly in the 6500k region, inside a rubbermaid container. I think it almost looks like they were burned under the lights but, im not positive. also, they were growing great for a few weeks then suddenly they all did this at the same time. here are some pics, sorry but they were taken with a camera phone :( best i got. Also, the first picture is the third picture about a week or two before. They looked like that the night before they just shriveled up.



Well-Known Member
you said they were in a rubbermaid dome, they may have had humidity burn. you are sopose to take the lid off slowly i believe ( 3 hours a day, then 5 hours, then 8, then 12, then 24 ). This might be the cause. All but the first are probly dead, and the first one may still be alive because A its a strong female, or B its becase its male ( from what iv seen the males have been stronger ( bigger stems, can reacte to things better )

Edit: just noticed what you said about the first pic. I would toss em start fresh. And with the humidity dome, i would only use untill the plant are sproated. If you insist on using it longer, take of the dome periodicly.

Mary Jane enthusiast

Active Member
thanks everyone... i kinda thought so... oh well, guess ill just have to find a way to mitigate that heat a little better! also, i meant that i was growing them in a stealth rubbermaid container, which would explain the heat. fortunately the one plant i was lsting as an experiment to see how it went is still going strong... i really like that technique


Well-Known Member
yeah a good lst will make for one healthy bitch.
im currently mothering a plant i started out for the shot glass grow right now... it has been tortured, topped, fimmed, lst'd, twisted, pinched, neglicted, over watered, then under watered, nute burned, light stressed, hell i ve done it all but flat out kill the thing... hell i moved across town with the bitch, and she just keeps getting stronger and stronger dzamn stem is liek my pinky and the plant is maybe 7 inches tall.


bud bootlegger
too funny, im always trying to smash those damn gnats everytime i see them too, lmao... glad to see that im not the only one...
but back to the rubbermaid box.. if you wanna use one on the next grow, use a hot knive or a soldering iron and make some intake and exhast holes on either side of the box and you can use one computer fan for each on pushing and one pulling fresh air in and out of your box and that should definitely help you out some... man, that does suck though.. although mj can take a lot of abuse, sometimes its amazing how fast things can go down hill...
better luck next grow..


Well-Known Member
^^what he said, except one fan sucking hot air out will work better than one sucking and one blowing... has to do with cavitation ;)


Well-Known Member
Ouch. Damn dude that sucks. Looks like you put them in the oven for a bit. Sorry to see that. Hope the LST one works out, but yeah, rubbermaid containers heat up pretty quick and retain the heat so you gotta make sure you have proper ventilation to counter all that

Mary Jane enthusiast

Active Member
For sure... honestly i thought i had the heat under control cause, i mean, they were about 2 or 3 weeks in and were looking great... then just out of the blue one morning they all looked like that :( its almost like my fan stopped working for a bit or something! And thanks for the advice on the comp fan... ive just been too cheap to spend the 15 bucks or whatever... honestly the setup i have was all made from crap around my house so i really haven't had to buy too much as of yet, but i think i might just have to suck it up :)