Problem caught early. Any solutions?


Hey guys so I have this little baby growing and I've been struggling to get her up to health. I finally got her looking good switched from MG soil to an organic soil and a bigger pot. wattered her about 3 or 4 days ago so I just watered her again so hoping that she was just thirsty. I havent added any nutes so does anyone think that its because of that? Idk any imput is really appreciated! Burn 1!:bigjoint:unnamed (10).jpg
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Well-Known Member
I can't tell from the photo how big the pot is or how old the plant is. Are we looking at a solo cup or a 1 gallon pot? If it is in a 1 gallon pot or larger I would have a hard time believing it is already out of food, unless your organic soil was a seedling blend. I do see some signs of possible heat stress in the up-turned tips, but nothing severe. More details would help.


Well-Known Member
Nut lockout maybe looks like its starving my clones go that colour cause they starved id flush a few times with good phed water then give it a low dose of sometype of nuts at a low does if u notice a improvement u have your answer


HEY guys getting a little nervous, leaves are looking a little worse and this is after I fed her. I decided to turn the lights off for a few hours and if she doesnt look better im gonna hput her in new soil. Anyone have any helpful imput?


yes the plant is starving for nutrients . it has used up what ever was in the soil . feed it
Def could be starving for nutes I have never added any to organic soil. I didnt know what to use or where to get it I really need insite on that. Is there anywhere local that I could pick up nutes from and also what nutes?!?!?



At least give some flroanova + molasses + low dose of guano.

I can't tell from the photo how big the pot is or how old the plant is. Are we looking at a solo cup or a 1 gallon pot? If it is in a 1 gallon pot or larger I would have a hard time believing it is already out of food, unless your organic soil was a seedling blend. I do see some signs of possible heat stress in the up-turned tips, but nothing severe. More details would help.

deff bigger than a solo cup. the pot is a little smaller than a gallon I believe
I have much more info just waiting on responses.


Ima little confused to how shes out of nutes from the soil I just put her in a few days ago when I switched her from MG soil to organic soill


Well-Known Member
Ima little confused to how shes out of nutes from the soil I just put her in a few days ago when I switched her from MG soil to organic soill
Logan to me it looks like you only have a small amount of soil. I know that MG can be lacking for some strains. Plus NP are mainstays for cannabis


Logan to me it looks like you only have a small amount of soil. I know that MG can be lacking for some strains. Plus NP are mainstays for cannabis
Its really not that small. its a pretty good size considering size. Tomorrow I am gonna switch her over to some new soil and hopefully get some insite on nutes to feed her!


Hey ppl so after letting her wit watered and in the dark for a few hrs she wasn't looking any better so I put her in some new soil. Still need help as to what and where with nutes.


Well-Known Member
go to the store . buy fertilizer . for plants . even a miracle grow . and follow the directions on the back of the bottle or box. problem solved


Well-Known Member
Is that plant in a solo cup? It doesnt have enough soil. Fill the cup completely with soil. That plants hungry.


Well-Known Member
buddy if it's outta nute better just feed instead of transplanting to new soil, its already week why shock it again?

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bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Take it outta the cup and put it in a 2-4litre plantpot that supports proper drainage. Like buddy said. Always fill your plantpots with medium. Mj prefers it that way.


Take it outta the cup and put it in a 2-4litre plantpot that supports proper drainage. Like buddy said. Always fill your plantpots with medium. Mj prefers it that way.
Is that plant in a solo cup? It doesnt have enough soil. Fill the cup completely with soil. That plants hungry.
guys the plant is not in a red solo cup. the plant is in a pot that prolly holds a lieter or more. its about 8 in deep and 6 in wide.with drainage.also what do u mean fill the plantpots with medium?


go to the store . buy fertilizer . for plants . even a miracle grow . and follow the directions on the back of the bottle or box. problem solved
buddy if it's outta nute better just feed instead of transplanting to new soil, its already week why shock it again?

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Okay guys so I deff need nutes but what nutes should I get??!?!? any local places to get it? i.e. walmart stuff like that. lmk Im free to go pick some up just dk what IM looking foor


Active Member
Hey Legen you need some nutes that promote vegetative growth. Do some reading about NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium) I think the vegetative stage requires a good amount of Nitrogen, stick to something close to 2-1-3 ratio (i.e. 6-3-9 or 12-6-18 ) for veg. But hopefully some real experts can chime in here...


Hey Legen you need some nutes that promote vegetative growth. Do some reading about NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium) I think the vegetative stage requires a good amount of Nitrogen, stick to something close to 2-1-3 ratio (i.e. 6-3-9 or 12-6-18 ) for veg. But hopefully some real experts can chime in here...
Alright sweet. Do you know any nutes that would be sold locally with good levels of NPK? idk how the ratio thing works ...../: lol