problem has arised


Active Member
ok so i was using 4 60watt four foot flourescent lighting decided to go and get a 250 watt hps put it on like 3 or four hours ago and all my leafs are drooping besides the top. can sum 1 plz tell me wats goin on


Active Member
That light needs to be quite a bit higher than your flouros mate, set it at 24" and bring down over next couple days but watch out for heat stress.


Well-Known Member
I would raise it to 30"s at first, your plants going from a flouro to HID is whats causing that, the HID is a very strong light and people say your suppose to phase it in and not go directly to the HID. Make sure you have a dark period in there like do 18/6 if your not already that will help.

I know because I went through the same thing when I got my 400W HID. Once they get use to the new light you should be ok. Its more of intensity shock as opposed to heat stress but if its too close it will definately go into heat stress.

Good luck m8!!!!