problem with a Moby dick


For my first outdoor grow i've two femminised moby dick seeds, and I put them one close to the other.
I planted at the end of march, and now one is 3 m tall and the other 1.5 m. they are healty plants but the problem is that the taller plant hasn't start flowering yet, the other one is flowering from about two weeks but the tallest seems to flower vey late. There is a reason for this, I'm a little bit scared because they have like 2.5 months of flowering and we are at the beginning of september. any Ideas?


Active Member
Probably has do do with the genetics. I have 20 of the same plant grown from seed. I have a few that started flowering 2 weeks before the rest and one or two that started flowering well after the bulk of the crop did.


Well-Known Member
it better/should get going soon. It didn't grow to where it gets light at night and the shorter one doesnt ? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks ! must say I gotta like yours too. Man Sure would be great to have both of em in the sack. LOL.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of Moby dick......... lol.. Man I've been waiting for the "Kong" to be back in stock.