Problem with early plant

Hello all I am currently in the process of my first grow and having a problem. I planted 5 germinated seeds in small pots with premium potting soil and covered the tops with tin foil, they have been sitting in the dark for almost 5 days now and the seeds have grown out in all the pots, some are even close to a couple inches long, only problem is i don't have any leaves and im starting to get worried because the stems seem to long and are drooping over. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
humidity/heat/light all result in elongated seedlings. Not opening sounds like a watering issue (overwatering). If your using cfl's put them within a couple of inches of the light, get a fan blowing on them, and stop watering.

Unfortunately seedlings are finicky, its likely they won't make it.


Active Member
Two things to add;
If you want to save this grow you might have a chance if you do all of the above^^plus add a little bit of soil around the stem so it doesn't topple over.
Next time don't use potting soil. Potting soil has nutes in it that upset the natural chemistry of the seed. Seedlings shouldn't need any needs for at least two weeks.


Active Member
Something with little to no nutes added, fox farm happy frog served me well when I was first starting out. I mix my own for seedlings. Usually I use about 40% peat moss, 40% vermiculite, and 20% perlite.
Well they're done, those were kinda expensive :/ lol. Im moving on, I still have more but am contemplating on using some swag seeds just for a practice run. Don't wanna be wasting any more money. I think my main problem was the overwatering. After planting the germinated seeds, how long should i wait before putting them under light?
Put the germinated seeds taproot down about a quarter inch under the already moist dirt. You can put the lights on right away if you want but I don't think it really matters until you can see the seedling coming out of the dirt, then it needs the light!


Active Member
Yeah swag seeds are the way to go for your first couple of runs. Its a delicate process and an easy one to fuck up if you don't know what your doing. Put the good seeds on hold for now.

As soon as I plant the seeds they are under a light, make sure to cover them up with just a little bit of dirt though. I leave a see-through cup over top of the seed to hold in humidity till it sprouts, then as soon as I see green I take the cup off, and turn the fan on. The fan will make sure the stem is strong, and imo is one of the most important factors of the process.


Active Member
Don't feel bad though. I think just about all of us have unloaded 50 bucks on seeds and fucked everyone up.

It happens to the best of us, get some practice on swag seeds. Once you've got it done it'll be like second nature.