problem with this particular hash makin process


Well-Known Member
last time I messed up somehow, i grinded up the wet leaves, put them in a film case and smashed it down with an object, and let them hash balls dry. then my friend squeezed all the juice out ! before it dried, are you suppost to keep the hash oil or juice in while it drys? and what was i doin wrong if anything? so i get it right this time


Well-Known Member
stop wasting your weed
use a hash making method
smashing weed up is not how its done right or anywhere near right
tell me what country your in and if you have most major retail stores
also if you can be trusted with gas and other bad things
if you live alone (not with mom and dad) and i will tell you the best way for you to make hash, oil,bho or the cross hash that i made
it all works some ways are more forgivable than others
but stop jumping on your weed