Problems With Storing My Nutrients


Well-Known Member
I have been storing my dry and liquid nutrients in 55 gallon barrels in the back yard and recently asked the neighbors if they would separate their liquid and solid nutrients and save them and give them to me and I explained how I was drying them and saving them, well not only did they not contribute but it would seem someone had a problem with it and called the board of health, so some lady from the health dept comes out and gives me a hard time telling me I need to remove the waste from the property and that I will be fined and cited and blah blah blah, I explained to her how I was drying the solid waste on a tarp in the sun and then moving it into barrels and how I was putting the liquids into a barrel and letting them evaporate to condense and become more concentrated, she said I cant have them here- I told her it was mine, she made me put the covers on the barrels and said I have to get rid of the barrels and pick up everything on the tarp, I can't believe this, screw her, she obviously knows nothing about farming or the value of nutrients. I think i'm going to take the lids off the barrels, she says she will be back and that I had better have the "waste" removed from the property, can she make me do that? What should I do?
Just release the hive rats when she comes back. You know you've been itching to test their obedience chips. They'll leave only shoes and articles made of synthetics. Segregate those from the stewed nutes. cn