Proper light / conditions for cloning


Active Member
I have 13 day old clones that still aren't showing roots thru 1 1/2" rockwool. They all looked great the first 5 days in the humidity dome. Once I removed them, some of the plants' leaves started drooping and turning yellow.

When I cloned them, I made sure not to expose them to air, kept them in 12-hours of darkness after clipping and have been relatively clean. I think perhaps when I moved them from the humidity dome I put them too close to my flourscent light (big Pioneer VIII) which probably stressed them.

I also took some clippings 6 days ago and these were a bit bigger starting off. They are still in the humidity dome and look very good.

This time I pre-soaked the rockwool in water with PH 6 and B1 Red. I also sprayed each tray of clippings once with B1 Green around 5-days in and have sprayed the older ones twice with SugarDaddy/Root66.

My main question is, after 5-days in the dome what's the best way to move them? I'm thinking taking the lid off after the 5-days and giving them a moderate amount of flourscent light for another 5-7 days before transplanting and moving them closer to the light...

I read that nitrogen causes the clones to try to grow vegetatively and not root. The mother plants had been fertilized so I thought this might be the delay.

Also, should I add grow/boost and does the whole technaflora line work well or is it not needed?
