proper RH


Well-Known Member
hey yall, will someone help with this?iv dryed plenty but I want to know the science.numbers ,data,what should be the RH for the 1st 6 to 10 days of drying,thank you for anyones help
Weed dries in a vast range of humidities just like anything else. The science determines the final moisture content via equilibrium moisture content which is quite well described on wiki under that heading.

Weed is 25% of its wet weight when dry, rh might shoot that a little lower but dosent affect enzymatic process which is why you cant tell bud dried at 30% to that dried at 60% when smoked.

Most know broscience not the actual real science and it is after it dries that taste and flavour occur hence hang drying takes two weeks and nit the one which sees it initially dry but pretty devoid of final taste and flavour.
yea that's the part I don't want to screw up taste n flavor,how will I know when I can gar it up,so it can go through that enzomatic change,no hay or green smell.
Ignore the cure its totally not needed.

You hang for two weeks, it drys after one then flavour and taste develop in the second.

Broscience = Bullshit not real science.

Too many dicks talk shit around this plant making you think different.

Two week hang dry is all you need not curing and jars and fucking wirh humidity.

Its dry smokes at one week, it taste great after two because enzymatic process has completed and both are easily seen by taking small samples and smoking - not bending stems and broscience bs.

I get trolled a lot because there are too many dicks and they hate that someone might actually know the science exactly.

Forget curing and learn only the dry - when you got that down you can jar as storage till its needed but it is 100% down to drying not curing and try ignore the trolls :-)

yea that's the part I don't want to screw up taste n flavor,how will I know when I can gar it up,so it can go through that enzomatic change,no hay or green smell.
...and be quick to buy BOVEDA! XD

You may need boveda to supplement lack of knowledge and skill but the pros here do not - this should tell you who knows their shit and who is a wannabe that believes everything they read.

Every year a new snakeoil is dreamt up - we have the advantage of understanding the market and avoiding these fools. AN Big Mike, Capt and Benies, Boveda and i forget that douches member name, Growmau and Leds.... We seen it all and you fail to understand some are more intrested in making money not a life here.

Good luck and keep your troll shit away from me or simply get burnt by the real acience :-)
and these inexpensive injarr hygrometers, their worth in gold! :D

Gimmicks and no one need know jar humidity just how to dry.

You know this by now and the conversation about jar humidity is a heavily scienced one which tears the shit out of bovedas knowledge.

Boveda sees you as suckers, i was here when one member dreamt up jar dessicant for weed, even on the thread itself :-)
I cant thank yall enough.thank you for cutting right to it and how it is done.this will be the way I do this part of the end process.what yall have givin me I cant never repay,thank you so much.your knowledge is priceless,thank you for that
You need to work and observe, none of this is hard or beyond you and many seek ego and fame here not knowledge so constantly fall short.

You can use other metbods but they must lead you to the same point or your failing.

This thread i wrote is not good enough and needs reddoing at sometime but i think your ready for some science now so please read and i hope you enjoy -

Those with open minds will always succeed in the end, dont fear the fails but learn from them. I fucked up many too but never doubted myself or those that gave me the knowledge. Good luck :-)

I cant thank yall enough.thank you for cutting right to it and how it is done.this will be the way I do this part of the end process.what yall have givin me I cant never repay,thank you so much.your knowledge is priceless,thank you for that
Boveda sees you as suckers, i was here when one member dreamt up jar dessicant for weed, even on the thread itself :-)
holy crap really? wheres this thread I need to learn the official reasoning :D

some of stuff you write sounds almost like an echo to another thread :shrugs:

Pretty helpful if you jar too early
yeah thats why they hang free for 2 weeks, so it should be very dry.
ambient rH is changing. if it gets too low the cure cant be done and you get this stuff that turns to dust after a year or two. dry n crumbly...

I can understand why industrial producers find it unnecessary, its alot of work/care for something quite subjective.

aim for stable 60% in jarr rH. at over 65% you get mold. below 55% the cure stops.
Possibly but you would have to be pretty learned to understand the readings, boveda just saw the equalization points and placed those numbers on their packs :-)
Never used a boveda.
I would assume that they are for after you stabilize your herb. Otherwise they would probably screw up the true humidity reading.
Could be wrong, just a guess