Honestly, flushing can mean two different things.
Some believe you need to pour 4-5x the amount of water through your soil to flush, this is not true.
To properly flush you have to somewhat accurately predict your harvest date. If you think you have about a week left, just begin to "water only" fed your plants, you can give them a little more water then usual but not tons more. And if your plant isn't as finished as you wish by the end of that week, you just continue to water only until it's ready and hopefully it won't go on too long. I've "watered only" for up to 30 days but that's excessive, 7-10 days is about right.
Stopping nutes and water feeding only is what flushing means to me. These people that bring their plants into a tub and run gallons upon gallons of water through their soil are what I call super flushers. And this does more harm then good.
Also, no need to use flushing agents. Just water.