Protein Skimmer in Sump


Active Member
Would the addition of a protein skimmer in a sump both add oxygenated H20 and remove d.o.c. (dissolved organic compounds)? I feel that when using a stealth bubbleponic system pumping the water through a skimmer and then pumping the nutrient and oxygen rich water straight to the main root system.

would there be a problem with too much oxygen, maybe increasing microbial activity?

anyone else have any experience with a skimmer in a saltwater fish tank or something else?


Active Member
man a protein skimmer who really be a waste with hydroponics yes it would help mix your nutes but you could get the same affect the a air pump or a small water pump...also if you have used a protien skimmer with saltwater youl realize your pretty much condensing fish shit ...but hydroponically all your gonna have is a mess youll wake up to a floor filled with your nute salution and then youll get a reall shitty salt buildup ....i thought it sounded like a good idea too man i learned the hard way....just leave that bastard on your reef tank