Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw



BLM Protest: cops all over the place
Proud bois rally: not a single cop around

Cops don’t care about fascist rallies even though more people have died from pro cop red hats this year than any other protest

takeaways: they're wearing yellow now to easily identify themselves at night (fine by me easier to see) and..

wearing yellow like the cowards they are..don't they know what yellow means?:lol:


Schuylaars favorite making the Trumper aware of orifices they never knew they had..GEL, GEL, GEL it's got to be the gel. Amazon $14, you hit the Trumper with ONE swipe; the Trumper will go down faster than any cockroach you've seen on a wall, the Trumper will wish for their mother; the Trumper will cry; the Trumper will have a hard time breathing; the Trumper will tell the police to arrest you however the police will tell the Trumper it is they who are under arrest after the Trumper gets cleaned up at the ER. The State Attorney will prosecute the Trumper.


Papa Justify.
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Typical bullies looking for a victim not a fight, Wtf was that for, as in what did the couple do to deserve that?

I'm all for abiding by the law (loosely speaking lol) but thugs, fucking bullies like them I'd love to see getting the shit kicked out them, I fucking hate liberty taking/bully fucks.
They are such punk bitches.

i posted yesterday militia will be back out en force- prepare don't need to look for trouble but if it happens a small investment of spray gel and don't even have to use the tazer; it's the sound and they know what's coming.

as you can see that couple was doing NOTHING but passing by..and that's what happens? I thought this would start around January 1, so i'm two weeks early.

they're going through the 7 stages of grief and they're still at anger because Dear Leader says there's a way.
If I check that link will they be wearing Biden capes and hats?

"Both sides" is bullshit.

the couple being jumped in the video/article was wearing trump gear and vastly outnumbered by antifa.

nobody should be assaulted for holding a different political view. that is a very fascist thing to do.
the couple being jumped in the video/article was wearing trump gear and vastly outnumbered by antifa.

nobody should be assaulted for holding a different political view. that is a very fascist thing to do.
How do you know they were not just being dicks? Or that the people were attacking them were Democrats. It is not a 'both sides' issue because someone with Trump gear is being beaten up. How do you know they were not Trump supporters dressed up as 'ANTIFA' to create propaganda?

Only one political party is endorsing this type of behavior. And it is the Republicans.
unless you're a Nazi to begin with.

non-violence being met with violence is never justified. this is not a war (yet). no genocide is taking place. violence is completely unnecessary at this point.

we used to be able have different views and get along okay.

now, political gear makes you a target for violence. the innocent people that the proud boys hit probably didn't want to fight. the innocent people that antifa hit probably didn't want to fight.

they are the groups forcing a fight on us and I don't like it.
non-violence being met with violence is never justified. this is not a war (yet). no genocide is taking place. violence is completely unnecessary at this point.

we used to be able have different views and get along okay.

now, political gear makes you a target for violence. the innocent people that the proud boys hit probably didn't want to fight. the innocent people that antifa hit probably didn't want to fight.

they are the groups forcing a fight on us and I don't like it.
How do you know they are 'antifa'?

That is what I really hope you get from this. The propaganda that has been spammed to get you to think that the word "antifa" is anything is were this starts.

No Democrats are disagreeing with you about the violence if you haven't noticed.
How do you know they were not just being dicks? Or that the people were attacking them were Democrats. It is not a 'both sides' issue because someone with Trump gear is being beaten up. How do you know they were not Trump supporters dressed up as 'ANTIFA' to create propaganda?

Only one political party is endorsing this type of behavior. And it is the Republicans.
Except the riots a few months ago endorsed by the dems but that doesnt count right lol. Political blindness is affecting both sides sounds like you got yours on too.
How do you know they are 'antifa'?

That is what I really hope you get from this. The propaganda that has been spammed to get you to think that the word "antifa" is anything is were this starts.

No Democrats are disagreeing with you about the violence if you haven't noticed.

i don't see you guys getting the same level of pissed about the trump couple getting jumped. that's all. shitty people are okay with assaulting non-combatant victims as long as they disagree with them politically. i get it.

yes of course, antifa and the mafia do not exist.

no politician or political movement really gives a fuck about any of us. they are only in it for control. i automatically distrust anyone trying to control me, you should too.
The two big differences between each side are that Republicans defend acts of violence perpetrated on their behalf, regardless of the details of the situation-Rittenhouse for example, or the vast multitude of police brutality incidents committed against people of color. Meanwhile, the left universally condemns acts of violence committed by people "on their side." Any informed person knows that the BLM protests were 99.9% peaceful and that the majority of those arrested for "inciting violence" identified themselves as "white nationalists." The "left" criticized EVERYONE who disrupted those protests-the largest peaceful protests in American history. The left demands due process and a fair investigation into these acts of violence-the American way. The right believes these "white nationalist" thugs and crooked cops are heroes and patriots regardless of how many laws they break. The modern Trumpian Republican party is the biggest danger American democracy has ever faced.