Prune/Pot Transfer Q's

So i just finished pruning my plant and getting it ready for the flowering phase and wanna know how long do i wait because i know that pruning creates a certain amount of stress on the plant and so does transferring the pot i just would like to know how long i wait before i transfer the pot. Also wanna know if i pruned correctly.


Well-Known Member
when you say pruned we dont know what you have done.
cant tell fromt he pics.

as far a waiting, it depends how much its stressed.

I would of done both at the same time so its just a one time stress thing.....repot then top or whatever

you gonna wanna give it at least a few days or til you can see growth speeding up again.
could be longer
well what i mean is cutting of the leaves that make almost a canopy i took off some of the bigger fan leaves and gave more light to the middle and lower section of the plant. It was a lil droppy when i saw it this morning but after the pot transfer it went right back to looking healthy also the dank smell is coming back lil by lil and im hoping it gets stronger. I re potted it in a 2 gallon full of miracle gro the original was coco coir and it has sponge on the roots because i believe it was a clone and i also heard their roots need less space


Well-Known Member
just a fyi

you should not be taking or cutting off leaves that are not sick or dying.
The plant needs them for its essential processes.

your stalks look like they will be too woody now to bend down, but you could try....if anything you will be able to bend the new growth from the "stretch" over the next week or two when you switch to flower.
because that thing is going to double in size or more when you flower.

i suggest the next time you do a lst or scrog from the start...this way you can keep it smaller, but most of your buds will turn out bigger like the main colas will get.
as of right now from the looks of it your gonna end up with pretty much 4 or 5 colas and the rest will prolly be popcorn or small buds because its gonna get bigger and the cfls arnt going to be able to cover it all well.

if you do lst or scrog next time, you can end up with a canopy full of nice buds.

its fine tho right now, a learning experience for you.
you'll turn out fine....but just not as good as it could of been with what you have.