Pruning dying leaves while flowering??

I just did some research on defoliation during the flower I pinched all my leaves (not stems) that were necrotic over 70%. Also watered with a 50% m.g. tomato food mix just before pruning. Thoughts, comments? This is my first plant, I'm aware and treating deficiencies... Outdoor grow, GDP strain, in week 3-4 of flower. Looked much healthier last week, but new growth is showing zero tip turn. And the trichromes already....omg. :) would like some thoughts on bending and stressing stems to increase potency and stability.



Well-Known Member
Bending and stressing do not increase potency. If you want to increase stability then use bamboo stakes. Hopefully she finishes in time.
try lst known as (low stress training) not recommended for flowering also if you want more potency in your plants that's mostly at the end of your grow in the dry and curing stage but also flushing is very important. when you hang your plant to dry, try to get 4-10 days of drying in there it also depends on what nutrients your using if you want fine high quality bud your gonna have to buy some high quality nutes I recommend advanced nutrients. but yea researching is right I would use bamboo stakes as we'll I used them this season they worked perfect nearest dollar store should have some. now that your in flowering stage you can't stress your plant out to much or it will lack growth so I would stay away from cutting, pinching or bending leaves or stems just to make sure your plant stays happy, fu@!in things are way to picky. your plant will be fine it looks like it could be nute Burn lower your fertilize dosage I could be wrong it could be nothing wait a couple weeks your plants gonna look mint especially when those little buds start filling in :)
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Well-Known Member
Pinching or injuring the stem without severing is supercropping.Not in flower. Now just be patient. Inexperienced as you are just watch them and learn. You are aware the tip burn is over-fertilization not a deficiency, right? Mix those MG feedings way less than they suggest on the label. Their job is to sell more containers of it. Pot doesn't take feedings like fruits.


Well-Known Member
dont mess with the leaves plants will defoilate their selves and start dropping leaves when it gets closer to finishing. look at my plant these pics were taken 2 wks apart. Leaves will also begin to yellow during flowering usally when you switch nutes.
-good luck!



Well-Known Member
If you grab a yellow leaf by the stem and it basically falls off in your hand stem and all the plant was don't ......pinching and cutting means your having to use force and basically stealing it from her I said a yellow leaf that has done it's job will literaly come off with no effort ......and you wana grow good stuff buy nutrients made for what your growing .......start studying drying and curing if you want a good product in the end. Good luck


Well-Known Member
defoliating during flower is ok and sometimes necessary for max yield. Ideally you want to do a good job pre flowering but you can't always get all the right leafs. I defoliate to allow light to lower buds, sometimes ya miss a few and have to take large fan leaves off to let light to the lower buds. If you read up on defoliation than you know that some folks do a pre flower defoliation than take more and more off as they flower. I do this with 1 plant I run it doesn't side branch and it has really made a difference.
Thanks for all the input guys. I suspected the dying leaves may just be getting used up by the plant...that said I'm not gonna nute any more this week. And I have to more her inside since we're getting into the 40's here...bought some cheap cfls today and plan to wait another 2/3 days to bring her inside. No more burning...buds look great after pruning, no growth yet of course...but I'll update in about a week with some pics. Thanks so much for helping me figure out my issues.