Pruning fan leaves below bud sites? (with pics)



I am in week 4 of flowering on my first grow (closer to 3 from when bud sites opened) and some of the fan leaves that got a little nute burn are starting to yellow. I read online somewhere if you cut a fan leaf the bud site above it will stop growing, but didn't know if that just meant before the bud site has time to develop other leaves. Is this true or can I remove thin the dying/yellow fan leaves as long as there are sugar leaves around the bud sites and I don't over do it? I know at a certain point the plant basically cannabalizes the leaves, I just want to give as much light exposure to bud sites as possible. I'm still close enough to week 3 I'm hoping I should be able to open up some light and space around the middle where some fat bud sites are and got thick with foliage and give it time to recover.
I'm in the homestretch of flowering, probably another 2-4 weeks but the yellowing leaves are a bit concerning. Figured it could just be the plant maturing, but didn't know if it was nutrient related. I realized at the beginning of flowering I needed to back off nutes when the tips of the leaves started to yellow, and it helped it bounce back. I've been using half nute recommended by General Hydroponics as someone recommended and just plain PH balanced water daily in between feedings. Still seeing a some yellowing towards the top of the canopy and "rust spots" (def not rust mold, seems to be nutrient related) Any other recommendations? Uploading pics shortly.

Thank you!!!
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At this stage you want all the leaves you can get..
The uneven leaf margins suggest light or wind stress..
Thank you.

When I get home tonight I'm gonna take the yoyo clips of my lights and attach them to the top of my tent to create as much space as possible. Figured it could be they got a little closer to the light than I thought, just needed a second set of hands to help me suspend them. Thanks for your reply!