pruning techniques?


Active Member
I have a huge bushy plant of some sort of kush ... it seems almost to bushy i was wondering what are some types of pruning techniques (is it even worth it to prune?) it is two feet high and has been budding for about a week. thanks for the info!


The russ0r
its not good to prune whe your in flowering it takes all the energy out of bud makeing to regroth
that answer was well thought...(sarcasim)

the only pruning i would ever reccomend, is topping to have multiple branches from below be more into the "good" light zone from whatever lighting you use. indoor lighting is limited for instance, a 400watt hps if set 1 foot away will only efficiently bud 12 inches of plant. you could prune everything below that as to focus more energy to the tops, where the decent light is. pruning fan leaves is not a great idea as some think. those take in the most light...


Well-Known Member
I dont get it, every time i have asked i was told pruning any leaves is bad. However other growers cut most of the leaves off in last weeks of flowering because the buds will get better light. I dont know if they got better results that way but it sure looks like it at least didnt slow down the bud production. Last grow i didnt cut any leaves but this time im trimming lots of leaves, cutting off tips etc so that other buds get light. Theres still lots of leaves but im considering doing half the buds with the fanleaves and half without in last 2 weeks.


one of my girls is so damn bushy and leafy that i have no choice but to trim it in flowering and it hasnt seemed to slow down bud production at all