
Swisher Sweet

Active Member
I have 15 plants in a 5x5x8 that are four feet tall and a week into flower. They are getting crowded (my fault to many plants for this space). Is there any thing I should be doing from pruning standpoint or should I just leave them alone?


Well-Known Member
You can prune the fan leaves, but don't cut any branches that form buds, because that is such a waste..

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
The fan leaves are falling off already (hope that is normal I heard it was). I have two 400w and a fluorescent in the middle. I hope it can cut through the foliage?


Well-Known Member
No the fan leave should not be falling off. Is the soil too hard. Do not let the soil stay wet for to long. If you are using nutrients stop and use just water for two weeks. As for the cramp let er ride.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
The fans leaves should not fall off when taken into flowering because someone told me it was (they called it fall)? I actually thought perhaps my fan may have dried them out a bit as I am only dealing with this with 3 of my 15 plants.


New Member
Some pics would really help out, your fan leafs should deff not be falling off, in a week of flower was it? If so that's not a good thing at all.
do you have any room to lst? If so you should to open up the old girl

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Gonna have pics this weekend and I will have you take a look at them. I actually do believe the fan may have been blowing on the three plants this is happening to. So I have fixed the fan so this doesn't happen anymore