Psychadelics and their connections to the after life [serious discussion]

My brother .... empirical ... denotes ...experience based on observation ... this is way beyond that ... if you can comprehend ... aka alien shit.
We are talking ... fifth dimension kinda stuff ..
Please kindly refrain from nit picking at the words used .... these are skillfully chosen (yet sightly descriptive ... used as to link ideas) .... as to describe ... concepts alien in this reality.

In case you haven't noticed I choose my words carefully and take time and pride in them. I stand by them. They each have a purpose and a reason for being there. Now I'm the last person who want's a debate to degenerate into an uproarious din surrounding semantics. So I agree at not 'nit picking' words.

The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation, experience, or experiment.

Like I said, I stand by my words. ;)
Now that is something worth contemplating ....hmmm


I posted it and I don't even know how it is... I was over my head when I commented on that heh. I have much still to learn on the theories of the universe and the other "dimensions" but I am here as a student and eager to learn. I wanted to know what your views were on time being an illusion. I was stoned one day and thought to myself why people said that and then I thought of the earth without humanity. An realized no other organism on this earth has the mental capacity to create a calendar system unless you consider certain animal "instincts" as being able to recognize the existence of time (ex. birds flying south for the winter). I came up with that it was just another way for humans to categorize "life" and create a better grasp of reality for themselves.
I posted it and I don't even know how it is... I was over my head when I commented on that heh. I have much still to learn on the theories of the universe and the other "dimensions" but I am here as a student and eager to learn. I wanted to know what your views were on time being an illusion. I was stoned one day and thought to myself why people said that and then I thought of the earth without humanity. An realized no other organism on this earth has the mental capacity to create a calendar system unless you consider certain animal "instincts" as being able to recognize the existence of time (ex. birds flying south for the winter). I came up with that it was just another way for humans to categorize "life" and create a better grasp of reality for themselves.

I have also contemplated that thought and realized that TIME .... is nothing but an anchor .... a hook of sort .... grounding us (humans) in a developed system which defines our existence and sense of self aka ego.

Consider a fruit fly .... does a fruit fly understand the concept of winter ..... as it never sees this TIME of the year in its natural habitat .....hmmm
Thus .... to a fruit fly .... winter does not exist .... within its limited life cycle .... governed by a certain humidity and temperature (within which it can survive).... where the cold of winter is alien.

Hmmm ....
Hmmmm, lol this is such a topic for me, especialy as I have alternated to both sides of the line quite a few times in my life.
Asof the last while I'd say I'm pretty much religious again, although I'd still not fit in the church, as I think I have quite a diffirent (or sometimes actual experience, like being in the spirrit), experience of things that are just words to even the preacher.

I just state that as that will come to the next conclusion, that I do believe in heaven and hell, hell, I've probably been to the outer reaches of heaven before.

On to psycedelics and their connection...

The bible warns of spirituality, and myths and charms and all kinds of bullshit that seems to be attracted to drugs like flies to a tennesee bride.
It actualy went as far as calling some of the jewish high priests, whitches, for these practices.

Just like the indian masters, I believe you travel the waters of hyperspace at your own peril, if you do it without your god.
It is inhaibited, and if my interpretation of the bible is correct, then chances are, socalled entities, are not good news, and realy have to be tested to find their source, they melt away at the right questioning, if they are not the real deal.

I have a few friends who I think because of DMT actualy turned from being atheist (which is no diffirent from being a satanist, as they both do the same thing, believe in themselves as god of their own world), to actualy hostile to anyone they suspect of being christian. WHile these same persons love talking about budism, and egyptian beilieves etc. And I think it is because the spirrit that dwells in them now is not a good one, and there is one name it hates, and that is Jesus. It makes it angry to just see it. Even if the person on whose lips it is, would never harm them, would tolerate just about any wrong you could do them, and would still be there to help them in times of need.

Lol, hahah, was that a religious rant, you'd never say if you met me in person, I curse like sailor, I just don't tend to do shit that could harm my afterlife.

Oh yeah, well seeing how this is my one and only rant I want to tell you about the satan.

I said the satan, as that is what it is called in scriptures, origin, bef. 900; ME, OE < LL < Gk Satân, Satán < Heb &#347;&#257;t&#257;n adversary

it is the person that acuses you in court, the satan are things like naughty priests who brings disrespect to religion, as well as the people who then do the disrespecting.
The satan is sometimes me, and sometimes you, when we give in to our weaknesses and do realy stupid stuff, when we hate people, when we disrespect people or are unkind, yet claim to generaly be good people.

We know nothing and we can proove nothing. But I can believe, I don't cry in the morning when my wife leaves for work, becuase I believe she will come back inthe evening. I don't know it, I just believe it, yet anything can happen in reality, and does all the time. But belief carries you through.
Hmmmm, lol this is such a topic for me, especialy as I have alternated to both sides of the line quite a few times in my life.
Asof the last while I'd say I'm pretty much religious again, although I'd still not fit in the church, as I think I have quite a diffirent (or sometimes actual experience, like being in the spirrit), experience of things that are just words to even the preacher.

I just state that as that will come to the next conclusion, that I do believe in heaven and hell, hell, I've probably been to the outer reaches of heaven before.

On to psycedelics and their connection...

The bible warns of spirituality, and myths and charms and all kinds of bullshit that seems to be attracted to drugs like flies to a tennesee bride.
It actualy went as far as calling some of the jewish high priests, whitches, for these practices.

Just like the indian masters, I believe you travel the waters of hyperspace at your own peril, if you do it without your god.
It is inhaibited, and if my interpretation of the bible is correct, then chances are, socalled entities, are not good news, and realy have to be tested to find their source, they melt away at the right questioning, if they are not the real deal.

I have a few friends who I think because of DMT actualy turned from being atheist (which is no diffirent from being a satanist, as they both do the same thing, believe in themselves as god of their own world), to actualy hostile to anyone they suspect of being christian. WHile these same persons love talking about budism, and egyptian beilieves etc. And I think it is because the spirrit that dwells in them now is not a good one, and there is one name it hates, and that is Jesus. It makes it angry to just see it. Even if the person on whose lips it is, would never harm them, would tolerate just about any wrong you could do them, and would still be there to help them in times of need.

Lol, hahah, was that a religious rant, you'd never say if you met me in person, I curse like sailor, I just don't tend to do shit that could harm my afterlife.

Oh yeah, well seeing how this is my one and only rant I want to tell you about the satan.

I said the satan, as that is what it is called in scriptures, origin, bef. 900; ME, OE < LL < Gk Satân, Satán < Heb &#347;&#257;t&#257;n adversary

it is the person that acuses you in court, the satan are things like naughty priests who brings disrespect to religion, as well as the people who then do the disrespecting.
The satan is sometimes me, and sometimes you, when we give in to our weaknesses and do realy stupid stuff, when we hate people, when we disrespect people or are unkind, yet claim to generaly be good people.

We know nothing and we can proove nothing. But I can believe, I don't cry in the morning when my wife leaves for work, becuase I believe she will come back inthe evening. I don't know it, I just believe it, yet anything can happen in reality, and does all the time. But belief carries you through.

Most intriguing. So, you're religious. Faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity. Yet you don't count yourself among a religion. Other then the one you have momentarily constructed for yourself. Curiouser and curiouser.

Well sir, you've described your faith as of now. How now then would you describe your lack of faith at times? What brings on your said disbeliefs? How do you envision what happens after death and the creation of the 'reality without the use of the supernatural?

Just fascinating. :D
A good friend once shared with me the idea that there is no such thing as death. They went on to explain, at the moment after death, two things are possible. Consciousness either continues or is does not. In either case death is irrelevant.

Experiences with claircognizance, either under the influence or sober, for me are glimpses into the state where my consciousness is located in my transcendent soul vs my temporal identity.

For example, in college I wanted to believe in Jesus as my personal lord and saviour taught by the evangelists preaching on campus. Living with questions, sincerely searching for answers, I was open and truly wanted to believe. Well, long story short, I didn't feel anything. I was disappointed. Years have passed and as I look at my life it most closely resembles that of a labyrinth, ever so closely approaching an experience of unity and understanding at times and yet being compelled to move away at others.
And then without warning, in the quiet of an early morning when one is on the edge of remembering an exceptional dream I felt this feeling overwhelm me. It was the pure essence of forgiveness. I wept. Tears were streaming from my eyes as I was immersed in total forgiveness. It was truly extraordinary.

The time we have here is limited. And as such, I feel it is in every person's core instinct to have experiences that are beyond the capacity of words to describe.

So with thoughts of the afterlife, that also begs the question - What of the prelife? Who am I that came to be?
Claircognizance... they'll throw the prefix clair- on anything nowadays. LOL

So with thoughts of the afterlife, that also begs the question - What of the prelife? Who am I that came to be?

You are 23 + 23.
Hmmmm, lol this is such a topic for me, especialy as I have alternated to both sides of the line quite a few times in my life.
Asof the last while I'd say I'm pretty much religious again, although I'd still not fit in the church, as I think I have quite a diffirent (or sometimes actual experience, like being in the spirrit), experience of things that are just words to even the preacher.

I just state that as that will come to the next conclusion, that I do believe in heaven and hell, hell, I've probably been to the outer reaches of heaven before.

On to psycedelics and their connection...

The bible warns of spirituality, and myths and charms and all kinds of bullshit that seems to be attracted to drugs like flies to a tennesee bride.
It actualy went as far as calling some of the jewish high priests, whitches, for these practices.

Just like the indian masters, I believe you travel the waters of hyperspace at your own peril, if you do it without your god.
It is inhaibited, and if my interpretation of the bible is correct, then chances are, socalled entities, are not good news, and realy have to be tested to find their source, they melt away at the right questioning, if they are not the real deal.

I have a few friends who I think because of DMT actualy turned from being atheist (which is no diffirent from being a satanist, as they both do the same thing, believe in themselves as god of their own world), to actualy hostile to anyone they suspect of being christian. WHile these same persons love talking about budism, and egyptian beilieves etc. And I think it is because the spirrit that dwells in them now is not a good one, and there is one name it hates, and that is Jesus. It makes it angry to just see it. Even if the person on whose lips it is, would never harm them, would tolerate just about any wrong you could do them, and would still be there to help them in times of need.

Lol, hahah, was that a religious rant, you'd never say if you met me in person, I curse like sailor, I just don't tend to do shit that could harm my afterlife.

Oh yeah, well seeing how this is my one and only rant I want to tell you about the satan.

I said the satan, as that is what it is called in scriptures, origin, bef. 900; ME, OE < LL < Gk Satân, Satán < Heb &#347;&#257;t&#257;n adversary

it is the person that acuses you in court, the satan are things like naughty priests who brings disrespect to religion, as well as the people who then do the disrespecting.
The satan is sometimes me, and sometimes you, when we give in to our weaknesses and do realy stupid stuff, when we hate people, when we disrespect people or are unkind, yet claim to generaly be good people.

We know nothing and we can proove nothing. But I can believe, I don't cry in the morning when my wife leaves for work, becuase I believe she will come back inthe evening. I don't know it, I just believe it, yet anything can happen in reality, and does all the time. But belief carries you through.

And ANC it is well that you believe in God...after all he is You

Lol, he is you too, I will come back to some of the questions later when I'm stoned again.
Lol, he is you too, I will come back to some of the questions later when I'm stoned again.

This I know and knew you would as well, my oh so wise and enlightened friend...Uncle CIDNEY visiting tomorrow evening and it is so clean and might bump into you out there:twisted: in here....

Namaste' ANC :peace: