Well-Known Member
WARNING. This is quite a large post, but I hope you read it, if you havent tripped, I encourage you to read it. Even if you have tripped, please do. 
I've always enjoyed smoking MJ
, for many reasons. The relaxation, the euphoria, even the random effects that can't be explained. But mainly, the light "psychedelic" effects. Everything moves differently, like when your walking stoned, it seems less like your moving and more like everything is moving around you. The slight brightening of colors, everythings just more vivid. Sometimes when I smoke a lot, theres a very slight breathing of the edges of objects. Unfortunatly, these "psychedelic" effects wear off after continuous use (for me).
Although a body high always feel great, like off Ecstacy, I've always prefered Psychedelics. I've tried DXM first (not really a psychedelic, or enjoyable for me, but it was the first thing I tried next to MJ), Ecstacy (once again, not really a psychedelic, but it did have noticable psychedelic effects), Shrooms, Salvia, and LSD. DXM was a strange drug for me. I tried it 3 times, first time I felt many things, but most notably I was in the shower near what I thought was the end of the trip, decided to close my eyes, and felt like I was running from something in the rain. Second time, I didnt feel much. Last time, took to much on accident, and ended up throwing up constantly, and every time I closed my eyes I felt like I was in a very vivid dream...always somewhere random, like the mall. Learned my dosage lesson. I tried Ecstacy not long after, where I noticed my first true psychedelic effects; breathing, vividness, interest in lights. After that, I had to try Shrooms, and LSD.
I know i've been kinda ranting, but allow me to get to my point. I, and I'm sure you, have always heard that Psychedelics vary from person to person. I want to express how true this is. I've always had deep interests in Astronomy, Botany, Zoology, and nature in general. I love it, I can't get enough. My favorite thing to do after a good toke is go on a walk. What do I do when I walk? Look at the trees, grass, plants in general, the squirls run by, the bugs on the flowers, the works. It all seemed so beautiful. If im walking at night, I just look at the sky. The stars twinkle, the motionless moon, even the dark clouds. I also love scifi movies, everything scifi. The day we find another earth-like planet, or life in space in general, is the day I am satisfied with my life.
I've tripped on Shrooms 3 times, each time was amazing. The first time I tripped, I spent the first hour or so inside, where things breathed, brightened, and distorded. The small fibers in the carpet seemed to dance about, and I was amazed...that was until I went outside. That moment is burnt into my mind. I walked into my friends yard, and oh the beauty. I was aw-struck. I was in pure peace, pure nirvana. I looked at the trees, and the blue sky, they were so vived. The trees branches twirled about, the birds lived there beautiful lives, the bugs swarmed around the flowers, which looked almost leathery. I was one with nature. The second trip I spent most of the time inside, where I spent more time thinking than seeing. Thinking of space, life elswhere, where it all began, galaxys, etc. Third time, I went on a night stroll with two of my friends who werent tripping. I watched not just the branches, but the whole trees dance in uniform. The stars stuck out like non other, and the thoughts that raced through my head. This was the 5th of july, so there were some fireworks going off, which I almost couldnt distinguish from the stars themselves. Every burst of a firework seems like it was from space itself.
It took me several tries to 'trip' on salvia. But when I did, it was very intense, but short. I felt a continuous 'chattering' noise or something go through my body, it bugged me. I thought it was my bong causeing it, which at the time I thought was a robot arm (idk why) so I threw the bowl/stem at my door to stop the noise/feeling (dont worry it was a metal bowl). I threw it at my door, which I thought was a hallway. I stood up to go get it, and at the same time I thought "maybe its my jaw chattering causeing this noise/feeling" As I stood up to pick up the stem of the bong, my butane torch lighter fell from my lap, and hit the floor. It appeared to me to be half of my jaw, which I thought just fell from my face. I wasnt alarmed though, I acted as if it was a common occurance. Shortly after the trip faded away. It was a strange trip, and not what I expected.
I only tripped on LSD once unforunatly. It was something I always wanted to try. Unfortunatly, it's very rare where im from. Once I got the opportunity, I got it ASAP, and tried it with a friend...sadly only one blotter hit, enough for a first time though. I had the blotter in my mouth while watching The Simpsons. The first thing I noticed was how yellow the Simpsons characters were. So yellow that everything else in the show seemed almost sepia or black n white. We decided to go on a walk, cause we were amazed about how much more control we seemed to have as compared to shrooms (I dont know if it was dose or just trhe LSD). I could see every little mark on the pavement, every branch of every tree, and the beauty of nature jumped out at me. The sun was starting to set, and I could see the line of light on the tree line in front of me, it blasted me mind into thoughs of how big the earth was, and how the light could be seen from almost everywhere. The sunset was undiscribable. Literally. Beauty, the very core definition. I felt like I could almost comrehend the size of our planet, the moon, the universe. I felt like I could see how the motionless moon, usually a picture in the sky, was 3D. It stood out to me, and I felt like I could see 'all the way around it'. The feelings and beauty I saw on LSD was like non-other. Even the the cop that drove by us was pretty, the car was so shiny. LSD takes the cake for me, even though i've only done one hit. I would do anything to try this again, next time, two hits.
I hope you can see how what I thought about and saw while tripping was effected by who I am. When I trip all I think about is the wonders of nature, and the things I see strengthen that. If you have actually read all this, thank you for listening.
If your wondering why I typed this, it's not cause im stoned, or bored (well, partly). I'm in my first year of college now, sitting in my dorm, lights off, roomate is alseep. Most of the stories I've told happened over last summer, my last summer before college. I wrote this because many people wonder about psychedelics, if they should try it, how dangerous it is. I hope that anyone wondering is helped by this, and they realize that psychedelics explore your mind, alow you to think in new ways, power your beliefs, or maybe help shape them.
Thanks for listening.
P.s. How many times did I type "Psychedelic"? haha

I've always enjoyed smoking MJ

Although a body high always feel great, like off Ecstacy, I've always prefered Psychedelics. I've tried DXM first (not really a psychedelic, or enjoyable for me, but it was the first thing I tried next to MJ), Ecstacy (once again, not really a psychedelic, but it did have noticable psychedelic effects), Shrooms, Salvia, and LSD. DXM was a strange drug for me. I tried it 3 times, first time I felt many things, but most notably I was in the shower near what I thought was the end of the trip, decided to close my eyes, and felt like I was running from something in the rain. Second time, I didnt feel much. Last time, took to much on accident, and ended up throwing up constantly, and every time I closed my eyes I felt like I was in a very vivid dream...always somewhere random, like the mall. Learned my dosage lesson. I tried Ecstacy not long after, where I noticed my first true psychedelic effects; breathing, vividness, interest in lights. After that, I had to try Shrooms, and LSD.
I know i've been kinda ranting, but allow me to get to my point. I, and I'm sure you, have always heard that Psychedelics vary from person to person. I want to express how true this is. I've always had deep interests in Astronomy, Botany, Zoology, and nature in general. I love it, I can't get enough. My favorite thing to do after a good toke is go on a walk. What do I do when I walk? Look at the trees, grass, plants in general, the squirls run by, the bugs on the flowers, the works. It all seemed so beautiful. If im walking at night, I just look at the sky. The stars twinkle, the motionless moon, even the dark clouds. I also love scifi movies, everything scifi. The day we find another earth-like planet, or life in space in general, is the day I am satisfied with my life.
I've tripped on Shrooms 3 times, each time was amazing. The first time I tripped, I spent the first hour or so inside, where things breathed, brightened, and distorded. The small fibers in the carpet seemed to dance about, and I was amazed...that was until I went outside. That moment is burnt into my mind. I walked into my friends yard, and oh the beauty. I was aw-struck. I was in pure peace, pure nirvana. I looked at the trees, and the blue sky, they were so vived. The trees branches twirled about, the birds lived there beautiful lives, the bugs swarmed around the flowers, which looked almost leathery. I was one with nature. The second trip I spent most of the time inside, where I spent more time thinking than seeing. Thinking of space, life elswhere, where it all began, galaxys, etc. Third time, I went on a night stroll with two of my friends who werent tripping. I watched not just the branches, but the whole trees dance in uniform. The stars stuck out like non other, and the thoughts that raced through my head. This was the 5th of july, so there were some fireworks going off, which I almost couldnt distinguish from the stars themselves. Every burst of a firework seems like it was from space itself.
It took me several tries to 'trip' on salvia. But when I did, it was very intense, but short. I felt a continuous 'chattering' noise or something go through my body, it bugged me. I thought it was my bong causeing it, which at the time I thought was a robot arm (idk why) so I threw the bowl/stem at my door to stop the noise/feeling (dont worry it was a metal bowl). I threw it at my door, which I thought was a hallway. I stood up to go get it, and at the same time I thought "maybe its my jaw chattering causeing this noise/feeling" As I stood up to pick up the stem of the bong, my butane torch lighter fell from my lap, and hit the floor. It appeared to me to be half of my jaw, which I thought just fell from my face. I wasnt alarmed though, I acted as if it was a common occurance. Shortly after the trip faded away. It was a strange trip, and not what I expected.
I only tripped on LSD once unforunatly. It was something I always wanted to try. Unfortunatly, it's very rare where im from. Once I got the opportunity, I got it ASAP, and tried it with a friend...sadly only one blotter hit, enough for a first time though. I had the blotter in my mouth while watching The Simpsons. The first thing I noticed was how yellow the Simpsons characters were. So yellow that everything else in the show seemed almost sepia or black n white. We decided to go on a walk, cause we were amazed about how much more control we seemed to have as compared to shrooms (I dont know if it was dose or just trhe LSD). I could see every little mark on the pavement, every branch of every tree, and the beauty of nature jumped out at me. The sun was starting to set, and I could see the line of light on the tree line in front of me, it blasted me mind into thoughs of how big the earth was, and how the light could be seen from almost everywhere. The sunset was undiscribable. Literally. Beauty, the very core definition. I felt like I could almost comrehend the size of our planet, the moon, the universe. I felt like I could see how the motionless moon, usually a picture in the sky, was 3D. It stood out to me, and I felt like I could see 'all the way around it'. The feelings and beauty I saw on LSD was like non-other. Even the the cop that drove by us was pretty, the car was so shiny. LSD takes the cake for me, even though i've only done one hit. I would do anything to try this again, next time, two hits.
I hope you can see how what I thought about and saw while tripping was effected by who I am. When I trip all I think about is the wonders of nature, and the things I see strengthen that. If you have actually read all this, thank you for listening.
If your wondering why I typed this, it's not cause im stoned, or bored (well, partly). I'm in my first year of college now, sitting in my dorm, lights off, roomate is alseep. Most of the stories I've told happened over last summer, my last summer before college. I wrote this because many people wonder about psychedelics, if they should try it, how dangerous it is. I hope that anyone wondering is helped by this, and they realize that psychedelics explore your mind, alow you to think in new ways, power your beliefs, or maybe help shape them.
Thanks for listening.

P.s. How many times did I type "Psychedelic"? haha