

Well-Known Member
On new years eve called a couple of friends at my house. One of them is kinda introverted/shy but he is a good friend. Me and him took some shrooms after he dranked a couple of glasses of jack. It was ok we smoked some weed talked but he continued drinking excessively then ge started talking weird mindfuck stuffs like things that didn t made sense at all. He started acted cildish and like a child laughing weirdly and started making weird sounds i was worried for him, we put some icaros and he started screaming 3 times agressively like it wasn t him or his voice he then acted paranoid and asked me? "why did i went upstairs" when i wasn t and he tought I wanted to do something bad to him, it was like something took control of him and then went to refrigerator opened it and i told him"plese leave my house" he didn t wan t to and started acted violently and punching me he never acted that way(only a few times when he was paranoid and acused me of things i didn t do but it didn t hit me). I was scared it was as if something took control of his body i ended up calling the cops(i kinda feel bad about it maybe i could ve done something) the thing is i ve heard rumors about him that he may have a predisposition to mental ilnesses/schizophrenia but i didn t believed, it was a good friend, kinda weird and childish sometimes but a good friend. If he didn t also consumed almost an entire jack bottle maybe he would have acted different. I kinda feel bad for calling the cops but i was scared. I was feeling something kinda dark in him was kinda scared... Now i ve hears he is fine now and stabilized thank god... :(((I told this because i kinda felt bad for calling the cops maybe he would ve calmed down... :(
It's no coincidence that hard liquor is referred to as 'spirits'. Hopefully your friend can get a life-long grip, forgive you and stay away from the hard stuff ..mushrooms included.
Some people react terribly to shrooms (and Just Be is right, hard liquor is a big no no as a combination in my experience.) One of the gentlest souls I ever met took shrooms with a group of my friends and we all went to see The Grudge....this kid started punching himself in the face till he was a bloody mess right in the theater. We all snatched him up and got him out of there and restrained him until it was over. Well it turns out years later he was diagnosed as bipolar and has struggled a lot over the years. I guess my point is, you never know how someone is going to react, especially young people, since serious mental illness typically rears its head in the early to mid 20s. Probably just triggered something latent within him.
I love eating shrooms. I haven’t in ten years but man going hard in the paint is fun. Sounds like dude just lost his shit and let the trip take hold and things got weird. At least he wasn’t in the corner beating it.
That sounds more like alcohol than shrooms. I've seen that behavior numerous times when friends/individuals drink excessive amounts of alcohol.

An old roommate, a giant ocre sized guy, would get black out drunk and act just like this. One night he went to go to the bathroom but ended up walking into neighbors apartment.
It's a well known fact that DEMONS can find a new host when their "mental guard" is down. This includes, but is not limited to: being impaired by hallucinatory substances. So if your buddy's head starts twisting 360 or if he starts levitating, I'd cut ties with him on the spot and call an exorcist.
It's a well known fact that DEMONS can find a new host when their "mental guard" is down. This includes, but is not limited to: being impaired by hallucinatory substances. So if your buddy's head starts twisting 360 or if he starts levitating, I'd cut ties with him on the spot and call an exorcist.
I used to have a friend that got like this. We would just call his mom to pick him up if he got out of hand lol no joke till we were like 27.
I have lost more than one friend to hallucinogenics. Problems can come out when you're on em.
One killed his mother with a hammer while on acid, the other lost his shit permanently after some mdma. The weak limb breaks under pressure.
Be safe all
Do you live in Ohio it sounds a lot like we might know each other
No. But i am sure their are similar stories everywhere..
Dont get me wrong, i had some great times on acid, mushrooms etc
Yeah me too man. I have two friends that We’re involved in damn they’re the same situations that you posted above. crazy world it is full of even crazier people
Many years ago I dropped acid with a some friends. Our one friend was, unbeknownst to us, bipolar and he was never the same after that night. He was out of his mind for a while, not sleeping, talking crazy shit and not making any sense. It was sad seeing him so bad off.
I’ve grown psilocybin shrooms for years. Find the occasional person who feels no effect. Those are the people who tend to be the most psychotic ime.
That sounds more like alcohol than shrooms. I've seen that behavior numerous times when friends/individuals drink excessive amounts of alcohol.

An old roommate, a giant ocre sized guy, would get black out drunk and act just like this. One night he went to go to the bathroom but ended up walking into neighbors apartment.
This was my very first thought. I've seen bad trips and I've seen out of control drunks, this story checks all the drunk freak out boxes. The shrooms probably weren't a good idea but the hard liquor was the worst choice.
I personally think if you eat shrooms you better damn well have planned it out and be in a decent enough mood.
On the other hand I don't enjoy hanging out with drunk people planned or not.
I'm with others here that acknowledge alcohol as one of the worst substances to combine with other substances. When I was much much younger, we had a saying: "Don't cut the grass after watering the lawn!" meaning DO NOT smoke a fattie after you're sauced on booze. Me, personally, I would just puke, but I had a few other party friends that would become violent. As far as psychedelics go, they're even less forgiving when mixed. Further, S&S (set & setting) matters a hell of a lot more than cannabis or booze.