Pulling clones after harvest. Or reveg?


Well-Known Member
So of the 8 plants in my ebb/grow table, one is head and shoulders above the rest. Like twice as big of buds and lots o crystals. So for whatever reason I never labeled my clones and I am unsure which clones are from the Godzilla plant.

I have one week left till harvest and want to propegate her. Problem is, she ia in a scrog and hardly has any leaves left at this point. Just huge buds. They are the size of one liter bottles... There are 8 on the one plant.

Should I make cuttings and try to clone them in my clone bucket or stick her under 24 hour lights after harvest and see what happens? Will she sprout leaves again?


Well-Known Member
If shes going to be the mama I would tryem both. Doube your odds.
Revegging takes awhile, an cloning in flower does also. (about a month-ish)
you got to leave some green on the plant toget it to revegg, So I would try an cut the buds off an still leave the leafs.


Well-Known Member
Leave as manny bud sites as you can with the bud in tact. Switch to 24hrs and feed her a high nitrogen fert, like stated above snip a bud and try to clone that as well. Good Luck..