Pulling fan leaves for more light penetration??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im 2 weeks into flower and they are starting to look really dense. I was wondering if its ok to pull some of the upper fan leaves to allow for more light to penetrate the bud sites or will this just cause extra stress to my plants??


Well-Known Member
As long as you dont pluck alot of your solar panel/food storers off, and provided you feed on a reg basis, wont effect her at all.


Well-Known Member
Do some research on Defoliating, then you can decide from your findings... You will see a lot of debate over which is better!! Peace!!


Well-Known Member
I like my leaves green and attached to the plant.

If you want to expose more bud sites to direct light, next time train the plant to grow in a way that encourages this (scrog, LST) or do a 2 stage harvest. By that I mean take all the more developed tops and foliage first and give everything else another week or 2 to develop further.
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A lot of times u can Ben leafs back and twist from the little growing ive done ive seen a direct relation to direct light and larger flowers They get a little crazy with the exfoliation but he also says a pound on a four foot indoor plant so he would easy double what I get but I'm just know starting to get mine figured out1409986578598.jpg
I do a lollie pop because the popcorn that sees the light is half my harvest I have used a 600 watt led for sugar black rose above 4week veg day17 flower and sage n sour last harvest used 2 120 led before and really had to lollie pop and trim some leaves nothing like they show on defoliation but some