First time I ever grew outdoors 13 yrs ago I was 14 years old, I dug a big ass hole 2.5-3ft deep n like 3ft around filled it with a compost cow manour made a super soil mix dumped like 300lb of soil in that hole cuz my dads a dairy farmer and we have a big manour pile an in behind it there’s 50 year old manour that’s dark and rich just like soil, anyways I put 4 plants in it in a square shape with a foot or so spacing them apart, thinking they would all grow along side each other right, I went there one day and 1 was towering a foot taller then the rest. Within a few days the big plant killed the other 3 and ended up being a beast 7.5foot tall and 5 feet around Hollands hope plant, got close to a quarter pound off it and I cut it 3/4 way done still had 3 weeks to go haha would of been like 10 ounce my first plant ever . Valuable lesson learned str8 out the gate- PLANTS NEED ROOM lol, a lot. I never tried growing plants near each other ever since and give them ample space cuz now my outdoor plants all have pop can sized main stocks and feed like a biiitch lol, skunk freezeland a heavy feeder outdoors