Pure tryptamine


It is possible, and, in fact, laughably easy to synthesize pure tryptamine (not *a* tryptamine, but the backbone and chemical base of the substituted tryptamine family (N,N-DMT, psilocin etc.)) by a simple chemical modification of L-tryptophan (or the *not* "L" version of tryptophan, or a racemic mixture of the two). The resulting substance is of a low potency, with effective dosages exceeding a gram. It can, however, be potentiated by the addition of an MAOI. The very few reports I can locate compare it to LSD.

This is quite interesting to me, given the fact that the synthesis can be carried out with very easily acquired chemicals, and results in a very high start:end mass ratio. I think it might be worth synthesizing for research purposes.... and, theoretically, one can perform some chemical wizardry and convert it to preeeety much any other tryptamine.

Dunno. Just my two cents. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ok. I'll bite. Tell us your plans. Then end your statement with maniacal laughter. Something along the lines of. Bwahahahahaaaaa!!!


I will take over the world. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

I really don't have a reason to go beyond tryptamine. The extension to DMT and other more popular tryptamines is a much more.... finicky process, usually.