Purple Dreams need help!


Active Member
I have one plant going right now under 175 true watts of cfl. Some of the leaves are browning at the tips of the leaves and down the side and also some "splotches" right in the middle of the leaf. I just changed the water and put fresh nutes in so it should be fine. But it seems like its either spreading or just more leaves are having it happening. Any ideas to what it might be? take a look at my pics and leave a message if you will thank you and peace and pot :joint::weed:



Active Member
looks a little like nute burn. whats your ppms? humidity? temp? what nutes are you using? ph?


Active Member
I was thinking it was some calcium deficiency but idk... the humidity is between 30-40% and temp gets up to 84 but i always lower it if i see it that high. ph is between 5.5 and 6.3 most of the time. Oh yeah and im using the lucas formula. its the flora series hydro nutes but i only use florabloom and floramicro, about a 2:1 ratio. Also its in a 2.5gal hydro bucket from general hydroponics dot com