Purple Paralysis Winter Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. Please comment on my set up. Any advice is good advice.

This is my 2nd grow ever, but my first one in years. I am doing a CFL garage grow. The winter cold is going to something to watch out for. I probably should have waited until the spring to start, but I was too excited. Worst case this is my trial run.

I got an old wardrobe on kijiji. For ventilation I am using a 50 cfm bathroom fan and a vent on the bottom for an intake. I am using 4 x 23W CFL's at the moment and plan on using HPS to flower. I bought a vanity light on sale for $11 and wired it to a reflector a built.

I chose Purple Paralysis which is sativa dominant. I am going to try scrog with them. They are currently 7 days old. One had some damage during germination and is a little behind the other. I watered them today so they look a little droopy.

The cold is going to be the first thing I am going to have to worry about. It's about 32 degrees outside. I put a block heater outside of the intake on a timer. It will be on for an hour then off for 2. I just started that today. It looks like it gets to 77 degrees after the hour on.
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Don Geno

Well-Known Member
what are you using for outtake? I would suggest adding more perlite for faster drying time..as long as the lights are close and keep temps ok you should be fine this is what I do when it snows a heater will be good but make sure to make a test run for 24 hrs to make sure its not to hot in there


Well-Known Member
For outtake I bought a 50 cfm bathroom fan. The cabinet is only 15 cubic feet so it should replace the air 3 times a minute. I I'll look at using more perlite when I move them into bigger pots.

It dipped below 32 degrees last night outside but my temps inside my cabinet were perfect. It dropped to 71 degrees and didn't get higher than 77. I have the space heater running for 30 minutes every 3 hours. I started to mist them to increase the humidity in there. The seedlings are looking better already.

Don Geno

Well-Known Member
For outtake I bought a 50 cfm bathroom fan. The cabinet is only 15 cubic feet so it should replace the air 3 times a minute. I I'll look at using more perlite when I move them into bigger pots.

It dipped below 32 degrees last night outside but my temps inside my cabinet were perfect. It dropped to 71 degrees and didn't get higher than 77. I have the space heater running for 30 minutes every 3 hours. I started to mist them to increase the humidity in there. The seedlings are looking better already.
sounds like your set happy growing!!:leaf::hump:


Well-Known Member
So the girls are 7 days old today. My temperature in the garage is around 50 degrees. After 24 hours with the space heater I have kept the inside temperature between 67 and 77. It's still going to get a lot colder outside but so far it's looking good.

My one plant is looking real nice. I have a fan blowing on them so I hope she becomes big and strong.

My other plant is starting to look a bit better, but still looks a little messed up.

I dropped the seed on a cement floor when I planted her. The shell fell on when it hit the floor. I'm hoping she can recover. I really need 2 plants if I want to do a scrog. Here is another picture of her. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
The plants are now 14 days above ground. The smaller one did recover, but it is smaller than the other one. Overall they are bother looking pretty good. I have a fan blowing lightly over them to keep them moving. My temps have been pretty good. I have been able to keep the temperature under the lights between 68 and 78.

I haven't been using the exhaust fan. I turned it on and the cabinet dropped to 60 within 30 minutes. While they are this small can I get away with just opening and closing the doors twice a day? Once they are bigger I'm hoping my HSP light will keep it warm enough.

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Well-Known Member
The girls are now 30 days old.

I transplanted the plants into 3 gal pots about 2 weeks ago.

I have now made my cabinet winter proof. It is about 5 degrees outside now. I have my garage set to 40 degrees. When my exhaust is on it cools my cabinet way too much. I had to come up with a heater idea so I installed a thermostat and connected it to a space heater.
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The plants themselves are doing well. When I transplanted them they started to show some signs of Nitrogen dificiency. I gave them some food and they took off again.

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I fimmed my bigger plant 3 days ago. I think I messed it up and cut too high. I'll know better for the smaller plant.

My next plan is to buy a MH/HPS light. I found a 400w one on amazon that is a great price. I am a little worried about the heat, but I figured if I keep the exhaust on 24/7 I will be pulling in 40 degree air so that should keep it cool. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry for the delay. Here is an update.

I vegged under CFLs for 6 weeks the then installed a 400w MH. The cold temperature of the garage actually made it real easy to control the temperature. I wired a space heater to a house thermostat to keep the cabinet warm when the lights were out. The temperature in the the garage has been at 40 degrees since week 2 and I had no temperature problems. The temperature was between 68 and 85 the entire growth.

I fimmed one plant and ended up with 5 tops. I topped the other one twice and it had 4 tops. If I had to do it again I would top twice. That plant has a lot more bud sites now that I am 3 weeks into flower.

I put a 27" x 18" screen in before I flipped. I just made it with some wood and string. I used 2" squares and found it worked great. It has been 20 days since I switched to 12-12. . I kept the MH light in for the 1st 2 weeks to keep down the stretch. My screen was pretty full when I flipped. Here they are now. The left plant was topped and the right was fimmed. Again, let me know what you think.



Well-Known Member
I have been using veg nutes. I can't find anything good in my town. I found Schultz African Violet Plus Plant food 8-14-9. Would that be ok to use during flowering or should I buy something online?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
looks AWESOME! I love lil intimate closet grows like yours. I was just think about doing one myself. something so cozy and cool about it. nice work.


Well-Known Member
Day 39 of 12/12

Things are starting to get fat in there. The HPS runs a little hot in there. I had it about 15" above the plants. It was hotter than I thought and a bit of the canopy started the yellow. The temp was 89 F. I rose the light and it's a perfect 75.

Is it too early to estimate a yield?


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
WOW, that is looking HOT WOO WOOWOO !!!!!!!!!!! really dig the umbrella shaped form they have. I have sneaky, VERY sneaky suscpicion that there is some PURPLE WRECK In that lineage. I know that, Because I grew a Purple Wreck with that same fan leave structure and I will NEVER forget how absolutely stunning she looked , just like yours:clap: