purple purple one more time


Active Member
hi riu i been looking on a way to make my plant purp b4 you tell me to get a purple strain i have got one any tip on how to cool my grow room i have a fan on and put a bucket of ice alround the plant

should i put ice in the res the last day of harvest

i have purple maxx any other tip i dont have a lot of money but a 100 ac i can aford check out my thread

check outt my thread leave coment men and my bud i lonely


Well-Known Member
Why do you want purple so bad.. It has nothing to do with taste or potencty its just color .. And the buds aint purple just the leaves man.. Grow dank fuck color


Active Member
ad lots of purp food coloring to your res. and chill with ice maybe either behind your fan so it sucks the cold then blows out or just in front of your fan. try throwin your bud right into the freeze right after you chop. leave in for a few days maybe then take out and dry. me myself could never bring my self to treat my plats so horable after all that work but good luck and im interested in seeing those girls after the abuse lol. guess im a bit twisted. purp max will enhance a already purp plant but wont do anything if it has no purp to enhance.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
cold temps in the grow room makes a plant turn color...try and get it in the low 60's during lights off..
heres my lowryder dwarf mix turnng into a purple lavender color



iv smoked like 100 types of purple. been all over the world and tried diff. types of purple. I still say my clone only Old Skool Purple Grape Punch is the best. it turns purple even if its hot in the room. iv seen 90 degree rooms put out purple buds still. it tastes more like grapes than any type of tree iv had...purple or not purple. its more indica or pure indica. the strain was obtained by a buddies older of mine at a dead show in the early 90's. He had baught a zip of some fire purple that was crazy stoney and found a seed in the bag. he germed it and 18 or so years later its still smoked in our small group of friends. you wont find this strain in shops, banks or ANYWHERE. mostly because i dont let it out. the west has there OG kush............the midwest had our purple. sickest purple ever!


Active Member
dude dont try fucking with your plant to change color, i lose total respect for people who fuck with their weed to make it seem more sexy

its like those dealers who put fiberglass in ther weed for more weight, or spray purfumes on their hands then handle them to make them smell stronger. its fuckin stupid you wanna be a purple man you gotta get true purple. thats my words.
peace :peace: