Purple stems...and purple viens!!!!


Hello everyone who might take the time out of their busy day to read this post! Okay so as the title of this post says I'm having some issues with purpling/redness of the stems of the fan leaves. I first noticed just a few stems were turning purple then as the days progressed more an more stems had turned purple as well as the viens running down the leaves are now beginning to turn that color as well. I have also noticed purple streaks beginning to show up on the main stock. From the research I have found on the issue it seems it could be one of a number of things: nuet lockout magnesium deficiency, stress, swing in temperature or even bad soil pH. But seeing as how I'm new to all this ( this only being my second grow ever) I'm trying to take it all in stride an as a learning experience so any help or insight is greatly appreciated! But here goes Abit more specifics on the grow.

*Running two strains of autos in a 2x2x5 spider farmer tent. (Super limited on space thus the baby tent lol)

*Strains=1 Bruce banner auto, 1 zskittles auto. ~both strains are showing the same signs of purpling of the stems an viens on the leaves. So I don't think I can chalk it up to genetics lol~

*Light/schedule-sf-1000 light, 18/6 lighting schedule

*Medium- Coast of Maine Stonington blend platinum mix. Organic soil.

*Amendments- Stonington blend all purpose organic plant food(5-2-4), buds an bloom fish bone meal(5-13-0) 18%calcium, earthworm castings and leafy greens lobster meal(6-2-0) 8%calcium. ~everything being used is an organic Coast of Maine product~
**Not to say I'm using all these amendments just that they are at my disposal** *will uploads pics shortly*
Hello everyone who might take the time out of their busy day to read this post! Okay so as the title of this post says I'm having some issues with purpling/redness of the stems of the fan leaves. I first noticed just a few stems were turning purple then as the days progressed more an more stems had turned purple as well as the viens running down the leaves are now beginning to turn that color as well. I have also noticed purple streaks beginning to show up on the main stock. From the research I have found on the issue it seems it could be one of a number of things: nuet lockout magnesium deficiency, stress, swing in temperature or even bad soil pH. But seeing as how I'm new to all this ( this only being my second grow ever) I'm trying to take it all in stride an as a learning experience so any help or insight is greatly appreciated! But here goes Abit more specifics on the grow.

*Running two strains of autos in a 2x2x5 spider farmer tent. (Super limited on space thus the baby tent lol)

*Strains=1 Bruce banner auto, 1 zskittles auto. ~both strains are showing the same signs of purpling of the stems an viens on the leaves. So I don't think I can chalk it up to genetics lol~

*Light/schedule-sf-1000 light, 18/6 lighting schedule

*Medium- Coast of Maine Stonington blend platinum mix. Organic soil.

*Amendments- Stonington blend all purpose organic plant food(5-2-4), buds an bloom fish bone meal(5-13-0) 18%calcium, earthworm castings and leafy greens lobster meal(6-2-0) 8%calcium. ~everything being used is an organic Coast of Maine product~
**Not to say I'm using all these amendments just that they are at my disposal** *will uploads pics shortly*
**Pics of Bruce banner auto at 45 days old**


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**pics of zskittles auto at 45 days old**


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So what if you have purple petiole under HID? Also can explain why it’s “normal” under LED only?
I don’t know about HID. I have LED and it’s common to have purple petioles
Also I water with pH of 6.2 and after testing slurry an runoff water on both plants I'm getting a pH reading of 7.3 to 7.5 a little confused on why such a big jump in pH if I'm watering a 6.2.
I wouldn't worry about red/purple stems unless you're getting other problems too.
A lot of the time, red stems are like a sun tan.

About 20 years ago, some apple farmer i knew tasked all his workers to go through each lane and pluck the leaves which were blocking the apples. I can't remember which variety it was, but it was to get them all red and and ripen faster.

Here is an example of a tanned leaf petiole caused by light.
As i show the underside, its mostly green still.

Some strains have more of the substance which creates this red hue (can't remember the name of it). But one such strain is
"pinkman goo"

You can actually simlulate a a really sharp green/red line if you decide to blast some lights during mid flower on some green parts of your plant.

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