Purple stems (only at the top) and "crispy" looking leaves

I am worrying my head off over my plants right now which means I might just be trying to mother my little dears but when I went to check on them today five of thirteen had purple stems only at the top and two of those leaves are looking crispy and have strange patches of brown yellow. Now I may only be mothering because I only yesterday transplanted them into their big pots with new soil and a new flourcent light. I have read a few different things and all say that purple stems isn't really a "bad" sign but what about the leaves? I will sorely post a pic. Thanks so much for anyone's help.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
can't see the pic but purpling stems indicate a phosphorous problem, not always, but most of the times that's the problem. it could be that your ph has fallen out of range and has started to lock out certain nutrients. the next time you water check your runoff and see what you come up with. hope that helps.
also forgot to state that if it's a ph thing there's a high chance that salt build up has occurred so you might have to flush as well.