Purple widow, Blueberry Super Skunk Pc Grow 1st TIME GROW


Well-Known Member
the blu SS has finally hatched, can someone please tell me if the little leaves from the stems r buds or have i got a male, im goin 12/12 in a week or 2, will these 2 lil tiny plants smell that much? all comments welcome and wanted:weed:


Well-Known Member
the blu SS has finally hatched, can someone please tell me if the little leaves from the stems r buds or have i got a male, im goin 12/12 in a week or 2, will these 2 lil tiny plants smell that much? all comments welcome and wanted:weed:
forgot the damn pics lol


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
nah man that's just where new branches will form. You still have a while before sex can be determined don't worry no males yet. Another4 guy's journal I'm watching had the purple widow it autoflowered on him under 18 or 24 hours of light so watch for that but generally they won't show sex until 4 weeks or so or until the light schedule is 12/12.


Well-Known Member
nah man that's just where new branches will form. You still have a while before sex can be determined don't worry no males yet. Another4 guy's journal I'm watching had the purple widow it autoflowered on him under 18 or 24 hours of light so watch for that but generally they won't show sex until 4 weeks or so or until the light schedule is 12/12.
thnx, im usin 2 20watt 100 watt equivilents and 2 11 watts, hopin to get another light soon or is this ok? im thinkin of veggin for another 2 weeks so the blu SS has 2 weeks of veg to be preapared for 12/12:joint:


Well-Known Member
sounds good man, just started a micro grow and i got 2 20 watts going, might put a 3rd bulb in but heat is a major issue for me.
was just seeing if you had any higher wattage bulbs than me, it seems 20 watts are the highest easily available cfls we can get, NOT FAIR.
good luck man.


Well-Known Member
the bss has dried up and died, the purple widow is now preparing for day 1 of flowering, pics will come tommorow.


Well-Known Member
pics comin soon, i did a lil bit of nute burn(stupid), ive topped, it hasnt started to grow back, its just died and the lower bushes got bigger, installed carbon filter, if it doesnt work im puttin her outside.


Well-Known Member
what are you ding to keep killing your girls? i honestly think your doing too much. They're plants just let them grow. Look forward to seeing your purple widow tho. Check out my grow and you will see kill all my babies and bring them back to life. Let nature work its course best thing you can do.


Well-Known Member
what are you ding to keep killing your girls? i honestly think your doing too much. They're plants just let them grow. Look forward to seeing your purple widow tho. Check out my grow and you will see kill all my babies and bring them back to life. Let nature work its course best thing you can do.
yh my next plants just gonna be left to do its ting, i think i over watered and the humidity was too low, pics should b online by wednesday or thursday.


Well-Known Member
Keep it up man.. sux about the other plant.. but in a way.. its good. cuz now u can focus all your time/energy/light on that 1 plant.. I have 2 plants going.. adn ended up killin off the other one cuz i didnt have enough lights for it.. adn just focused on my 1 plant.. its White Widow. Im using only CFL's too. But I got a shitload! lol. I have 10 Cfl's. all different wattage. I have 330 or 333 total watts on her. She's a lil over 7 weeks now. The link is in my signature if u wanna check her out.. just put about 30 pics of her up now. This way u can see what you Purple Widow will kinda look like. And see jsut how good a plant can come out with using JUST CFL's.

Your plants looking good tho man. Like the other guy said.. try as best as u can just to let her grow.. I cant really talk.. cuz i'm always in the closet checkin out my plant.. its kinda hard not to touch.. but if you can... resist!! lol. it will pay off in the long run. Subbed.


Well-Known Member
Keep it up man.. sux about the other plant.. but in a way.. its good. cuz now u can focus all your time/energy/light on that 1 plant.. I have 2 plants going.. adn ended up killin off the other one cuz i didnt have enough lights for it.. adn just focused on my 1 plant.. its White Widow. Im using only CFL's too. But I got a shitload! lol. I have 10 Cfl's. all different wattage. I have 330 or 333 total watts on her. She's a lil over 7 weeks now. The link is in my signature if u wanna check her out.. just put about 30 pics of her up now. This way u can see what you Purple Widow will kinda look like. And see jsut how good a plant can come out with using JUST CFL's.

Your plants looking good tho man. Like the other guy said.. try as best as u can just to let her grow.. I cant really talk.. cuz i'm always in the closet checkin out my plant.. its kinda hard not to touch.. but if you can... resist!! lol. it will pay off in the long run. Subbed.
u touch ur plants aswell, thank god i thought it was just me, everyday i feel her up like mad, she likes it too lol:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeaaaaa... I molest my girls daily... lol. =) cant help she.. she's just soo beautiful! lol. And ok. I was gonna harvest next tuesday.. which turns out to be 4/20. hahaha. didnt plan on that. but the way she's looking.. might have to harvest her a lil bit earlier. Checked the trichs today adn i'm finding a lot of amber trichs... and i was planning on harvesting at about 30% amber..

idk tho.. im already flushing.. which is good. Im gonna check her this tuesday... adn if she looks ready enough.. gonna chop her down. I jsut dont want to OVER do it.