
Alright guys I'm currently growing black berry strain witch is supposed to turn purple. Do they turn purple on it's own or do I have to do something.there at 8 weeks now and don't look purple any info.would be great.


Well-Known Member
A lot of the purple strains only turn purple in cooler temps. I've grown several purple strains that never showed even the slightest bit of purple, but my area was a steady temp and on the warmer side. I'm told the temps dropping at night, or staying cooler, will cause it to turn.
Ive heard that in the last couple days of flowering if you expose it to colder temps during your 12off it causes both the buds and leaves to ripen purple.

ive never tried, but hey worth a shot! :bigjoint:


The last 2 weeks of flowering when the lights off keep the room temp at 40 degrees and it will turn purp
thanks for the info guys . i had to chop them down early so i didnt get to try any method. fucking pisses me off got ratted and had to move everything quick.