Push for death for animal cruelty....


Mr I Can Do That For Half
This is basically a thread for me to vent as Im am so strong an animal abuse punishment advocate I can not even begin to describe it. It makes me so angry and sad at the same time when I see on tv, the news, or locally these piece of shit waste of life people who fight dogs or hurt animals for sport, fun or just because they are fucking reatrded. I want all people who do this kind of thing to get the death sentence or to be punished by the same means they hurt an animal. If you throw an animal off a building and your found guilty they need to throw that persoan off the building and then leave them thier dying as they did to an animal.Garbage like Micheal Vick shouldnt be fined or sentenced to a year or 2 but be put in a caged pit against someone with a bat with nails in it after being forced to carry a concrete block around his kneck tied to a try with no shelter and little food then beaten to death. I dont know how but I want to work on having these crimes given harsher treatments and sentences.I can stand all of the shit I see done to an animal who didnt do anything but be bored and some stupid fuck sets them on fire because its fun and just an animal...I dont know where others stand but to anyone who supports doing these things and can stand and say its just and animal who cares then be fearful of the day yoiu cross my path as to me your garbage and who cares your just a piece of shit and your day will come........


Well-Known Member
fletch you know you the homie...so dont jump on me for this...

i blv there wouldnt be no point of this. they barely give PEOPLE the death penalty...so what makes you think they will give it for animal cruelty?

i also blv that no animal should be held on the same status as a human.... but in the same breath...there should VERY STIFF penalties for animal cruelty....i mean there is just no reason for it...i know they can be annoying some time...but you gotta think.... s/he is still your companion and they still need your love and attention and to be fed as well.

on that mike vick subject. man thas some bullshit. its funny how you can jail a man for trying to help his family out....but i mean wrong place, wrong time, wrong choices/missjudgement. Its kinda funny how they could give this man 23 months for that shit....when let it had been somebody else....they damn sure wouldnt have got 23 months and ALL THIS Extra shit. I truly think that his sentence was based on race, who he is, and at least way unfair.

i remember during all that mike vick shit....there was this man in the news who killed like 20 something dogs.....that motherfucker got 2 months..... coincidence? hell naw...you already know what it is.

hell wasnt there a fucking rapist that the judge dismissed or gave mercy cuz the mfer was short? yea the fuck right....... we wont get on that tho...

last but not least....i really dont blv in the death penalty...i mean it wont bring the dead back. i blv in letting them mfers sit and think about what the fuck they did. they will either go crazy in jail, get killed, or just be in that mfer for life....let them marinate and have nightmares for the rest of their life


Well-Known Member
As much as i disagree with animal cruelty you cannot teach one animal to be non violent by being violent.
Humans are animals whether they like it or not.

Most of these kind of people have been brought up with this attitude of their parents saying you musnt hit people and then as soon as the kid is naughty their parents smack them.
So in essence they are teaching the child to achieve what they want from people with violence and also showing themselves to be total hypocrites.
This leads to warped kids of course that have no proper sense of right and wrong.

As long as we use violence to gain what we want from people or children their own abuse will be reflected onto lesser animals in later life.
Not all people will turn out this way of course some people become hateful and bitter and angry some become muppets.

This is what and why i think that the master toker Jesus meant when he said do not retaliate with even more violence as violence only begets more violence and hatred and leads us all to a never ending cycle of hate.

A man said an eye for an eye,Jesus did not,he said turn the other cheek.
This has been wrongly interpreted as let people abuse you and get away with it to distort the truth in his words.

What it really means is that you need to talk to people about why they do it and not punish them with even more violence.
If you take any animal and whip the shit out of it to teach it a lesson you will have one of 2 results a muppet that is totally timid or an angry hateful nutter.
All we need to do is keep talking:blsmoke:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Wont jump on you blunt but the Vick cas had nothing to do with race it had to do with stupidity and ignorance.He was funding and was welkl aware of what he had on his own property.He was placed there by former friends.He owned the kennel that sold these dogs.Granted we dont have good enough laws for murder and rapes but thats why I said I want to push for this type of crime to be more.Now as far as animals and humane life.We are the exact same .What would give us the we are better then them card? They are living breathing, feeling being just as animals. We may have evolved to a different level of communication and society but we are the exact same as ana nimal and anyone who kills a defensless animal should be treated as a murder point blank. Since they cant kill a piece of shit like Vick at least they can take everything else away from him.If dog fights to death are how Vick was supporting his family then he doesnt deserve the mega million sponsors deals or his football contract. He was to be a example to kids how they can get a better life the right way and not to encourage bullshit hood mentality of the lowest levels of menatl capicity that is displayed by those who think its ok to do it.I am also a person who believes in disciplining a child with spankings and not a bull shit time out. A child has to be should in a resonabl;e primative way that they are not to do something and something like a spanking will reenforce that unlike a time out which is crap.Children are already being made to be so weak by that type of parenting.You see shows like nanny 911 or super nanny and the kids are screaming,hhitting , parents and back talking.This doesnt happen in a discipline home.Its not to be abused but used to make the child understand thier will be consciquences for a bad behaivor and that is why there are so many kids who develope into shitty adults poor parenting.Johnny doesnt need a talking to Johnny needs his ass spanked and told why.I dont believe in religion or a god but that man is his own devise whether he lifes life right or wrong. You make your life a heaven or a hell and your actions will be your judgement.An eye for an eye would make this country much better. A rapist gets to go home and rape again in under 5 years.A murder can be out in as little as 5 years.The victims dont get that luxury same as an animal who was killed by someone who if they can kill innocence without pause are useless to my society anyways and like all violent offenders will do it again so if its "Hey I better think this out as if I do it and get caught it will be done to me" these things would dramatically stop.If a guy tosses a puppy off a roof he gets a $100 fine.That deters no one with that low of an iq.


Well-Known Member
i agree with everything except the vick situation and the death penalty..... im not disagreeing with you....

but fletch....think about it? would a primitive species such as ourselves.... would eye for an eye be the best route to go? i dont think so bro.

when we take the job of an officer out of their hands into our own...it causes ALOT of chaos. if we are about to be the enforcers and take shit into our own hands (eye for an eye) and all that stop snitching and shit.....that job comes with additional duties...policing our OWN neighborhoods and such.

but thas another thread!!!


New Member
I find this subject very very disturbing also. I LOVE animals and can't for the life of me understand how someone can hurt one. People who abuse them are the scum of the earth.
I also think there should be stiffer penalties but do not believe death should be one of them. Thats is too easy a route out. :?

I can't wrap my head around this aspect of humanity and it makes me ashamed to be part of it. Humanity that is. :roll:
People can be
unbelievably cruel.:cry::cry::cry:

I can't handle it. I think I could totally fly off the handle and do some serious damage to an animal abuser or child abuser.

Not that i am THAT scary:-|
I'm just THAT OPPOSED to brutality of any kind , like fletch.
This is basically a thread for me to vent as Im am so strong an animal abuse punishment advocate I can not even begin to describe it. It makes me so angry and sad at the same time when I see on tv, the news, or locally these piece of shit waste of life people who fight dogs or hurt animals for sport, fun or just because they are fucking reatrded. I want all people who do this kind of thing to get the death sentence or to be punished by the same means they hurt an animal. If you throw an animal off a building and your found guilty they need to throw that persoan off the building and then leave them thier dying as they did to an animal.Garbage like Micheal Vick shouldnt be fined or sentenced to a year or 2 but be put in a caged pit against someone with a bat with nails in it after being forced to carry a concrete block around his kneck tied to a try with no shelter and little food then beaten to death. I dont know how but I want to work on having these crimes given harsher treatments and sentences.I can stand all of the shit I see done to an animal who didnt do anything but be bored and some stupid fuck sets them on fire because its fun and just an animal...I dont know where others stand but to anyone who supports doing these things and can stand and say its just and animal who cares then be fearful of the day yoiu cross my path as to me your garbage and who cares your just a piece of shit and your day will come........


New Member

Setting dogs on fire for fun. I can't even express how this makes me feel.
Some humans really need to be locked away for good.



New Member
fletch do you eat meat?yes animal crueltys wrong!and pp should be punished for it!but if everyone took the law into there own hands this world would be evenworse than what it is!also you using violence against ppl that abuse animals in some ways makes you no better coz some ppl abuse animals when there angry so they get violent!if we all used violence against ppl who made us angry there'd be no peace!i have a border collie and if anyone hurt him id wana hurt them worse so i understand where your coming from but sometimes things havta be handled in a different way!ive done time for not handling things in a different way!i hurt the man!he deserved it!dont mean it was right tho!


Well-Known Member
I believe animal cruelty is wrong. But I also believe Man is different because animals DO NOT HAVE SOULS according to the bible. Humans do.


shawarma king
Nah, you wanna step up. And this is just an opinion, and I got'em buy the dozen. Learn to accept'em all. The motherfuckers and the peace lovers. How can someone hurt an animal? I don't know, but they need some fucking help. How can someone love a dog more then their own mother? I don't know, but they need some fucking help. How can a man blow himself up? I don't know, but they need some fucking help. How can a man kill the family of a man who blows himself up? You get the point.

Your anger might be all good, but its end is all wrong.

keep in mind I'm an admitted dumb ass. :)


Well-Known Member
i dont really like animals too mcuh i think most of em are gross but i dont think anyone should kill anyone or anything else unless its for survival i guess

but no one should get the death penalty for anything

someone in wu tang cant remember who but

murders the crime and death is the penalty
what justifies the homicide when he dies


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yes I eat cruelty free meat proceed meats.I also eat fre range chickens.No cramped abused animals and quick humane slaughter for consumption. It makes me sad some even for animals we rase for food but I understand there is some loss in the order of survival and I respect the life of those given for my survival.I do not respect the uneducated low iq animal abusers though. they are not humane or worth having in this world. I believe your action will and should be given an opposite and equal reaction. I do not have sympathy or pitty on the stupid or menatlly deranged group who can cause animal cruelity or rape or child molestation. Im not saying each public citizen should deal out the punishment all be it I will if left to me.I am saying we need to help push for legislation that would make crimes of animal abuse, sexual assault, rape, or molestation to be a 1 time only offense that will cost your life.People of this low level of intelligence dont learn not to do it.They will almost surely repaet but if they see people get the ultimate penalty I will guarantee within a year these rates fall more then ever before in history and we arent loosing anything but are gaining a new safer society with less low brow population as that the entire population will be more intelligent.Im not a lets talk about it and see if we can show them thier wrong ways kind of person. Im hard stance. If you know from day 1 your not to kill or rape then dont do it and if you cant understand why and have to do it your to stupid to be on my planet and I will just clean it up.As far as the worry about what god says thats irrelavent as we are the ones in charge of our world whether good or bad.There is no greater being except the life of all living creatures.Animals do have as much of a soul as humanes just because we cant prove it doesnt make it not so.To say so or tyo say there is a god who will take care of this is just crazy like saying "Well there is a spaghetti monster who eats only dirt" we all know there isnt that but if you go with a god governing body thought youd have to say yes there may very well be a spagehetti monster just because we havent seen it doesnt mean it doesnt exist but think how crazy that would make you...I have no love or sympathy for these kind of people and will continue to make sure they get more then a fine or small jail time.Id give them life but then we have to pay to feed and house garbage thats not worth the air it gets.


New Member
If you ever looked into my shepherd eyes once, you would change your mind instantly.:confused::peace:
I believe animal cruelty is wrong. But I also believe Man is different because animals DO NOT HAVE SOULS according to the bible. Humans do.


New Member
I don't really like humans too much BUT I tolerate them.:roll:
i dont really like animals too mcuh i think most of em are gross but i dont think anyone should kill anyone or anything else unless its for survival i guess

but no one should get the death penalty for anything

someone in wu tang cant remember who but

murders the crime and death is the penalty
what justifies the homicide when he dies


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Id defend an animal over a human as we as humanes are supposedly intelligent but in todays world I question about 80% of humanes as being able to not poke thier own eye out. My shepherds hate dumn people..The funniest one is when people label a breed like pit bulls or Presocanarios as a violent breed when the dogs arent born like that but are created and then they say weel why are so many attacks from these specific breeds..well if people trained poodles like most pit bull owners youd have poodles attacking. People create bad dogs not nature