Putting the fan on

How many days or weeks into growing under the light do you need to start using the fan? Right at the start or later one? And if so how many days?



Active Member
I personally keep my extraction on 24/7, circulating fans come on when they are still pretty young, just enough to keep them moving and toughen the stems up. When they are a little older and tougher I turn the speed up on the fans to keep the plants dancing.


Active Member
I personally keep my extraction on 24/7, circulating fans come on when they are still pretty young, just enough to keep them moving and toughen the stems up. When they are a little older and tougher I turn the speed up on the fans to keep the plants dancing.

Second That


Well-Known Member
Knock them little fuckers all over the place with the fan. Beating them when they are young only makes them stronger when they're older.


Well-Known Member
my plants look like they are at a rave party....but with out the X or glow sticks. lol 24/7 fans on them. im in a 4x4x7 tent with a 6" 250cfm intake fan, and 3 5" clip fans on the adjacent tent support bars, aiming directly on the plants (mid way to the tops of the plants). fan speed is on low. i have 7 plants in 3 gallon pots, and 4 plants in 1 gallon pots on the side of the tent, and 1 4" seedling tucked in the corner out of direct fan blowing and out of the 600w direct light. i wish i bought the oscillating fans, but those were 30.00-60.00 a pop. i paid 10.00 for each 5" clip fan, and does the job.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I currently have a 10 plant, ww x big bud grow with one massive 18 month old mother, all in wk 8 of flower with a digital 500/750/1000 watt hps.. Using only a extraction fan for air circ. during lights on and to cool things off a tad. I felt that since they are all in 3 gal smart pots, additional fans would only serve to dry up the root systems quicker. The closet has bi-fold doors so this also greatly improves air exchange. Rarely had a fan on the plants from clone until now. They seem to be doing quite nicely.image.jpg

