Putting together my soil in the boondocks. How's this?


Well-Known Member
I just moved to the sticks and Im stuck with Lowes and farm supply stores to try and build a soil close to what I used to get with my Roots organics soil. Nearest hydro store is 90 minutes away.

40% organic soil with nutes (im pulling out the chunks and keeping the finer soil)

20% miracle gro perlite (with nutes)

10% vermiculite (no nutes)

10% mushroom compost

10% city compost (leaves, branches and sanitized biosolids processed for 70 days)

10% fafard sphagnum peat moss

Dolomite Lime
Diatomaceous Earth
Epsom Salts
Great White

This will be my 4th grow. Vegging with true 300w of CFL and Flowering with a 400w hps in a DR90.

I plan on feeding with low doses of Pura Vida Grow during veg and Canna Bio Flores during flower. With Aurora Trinity and Great
White as supplements.

I have espoma blood meal and bone meal sitting around and cal mag if need be.

I can still get Oyster Shells and Alfalfa pellets nearby but dont know if I need them.

I always have PH and lockout problems but usually end up with decent looking buds and good harvests.
I despise lowes. You can add great white to the soil It has other bennies in it but its most effective sprinkled on roots when you transplant. Pura vida sucks Its weak as hell and the flower formula drops ph bad. The blood meal is fine epsoma is good stuff. What was your previous grow methods? What could be locking out your plants?
Leave out the city compost, and substitute more mushroom compost. Those biosolids they mention are made from human waste.
I would put some of that bone meal and blood meal into the soil too.

Would the oyster shell help with your ph?
Personally, I'd use the city compost. It's probably has some great biodiversity in it to add to any mix. Mushroom compost is great stuff too. I was once told that mushroom compost has more salts, haven't tested that myself.

I wouldn't get any miracle grow perlite with nutes in it...I'd get some organic Espoma tomato tone from Home Depot to supplement instead. It just depends if you are gana use teas and all that jazz
Went with the above without the P and K supplements so its more of like a Veg supersoil. PH is a little low because of the Pura Vida as their nutes are already chelated and readily available. Enough goes a long way with the soil amendments. I usually get monster veg plants when I make this with Roots as a base and then ease into flower with the Canna Bio Flores. I usually have to flush with a lot of water in between feedings but I got good results. Hopefully on the road to full recovery.