Puzzled question about Atami Wilma system


Well-Known Member
When growing in a "4 pot Atami Wilma" system" how can the water supply from a dripper stake in the pot reach all the roots when using clay pebbles?
Am I missing something?

Ive asked this question before but no-one has an answer, does my question make sense?


When growing in a "4 pot Atami Wilma" system" how can the water supply from a dripper stake in the pot reach all the roots when using clay pebbles?
Am I missing something?

ok just remeber, Its A Dripper System! lol.. all you need to do is put your pump timer on for about 10 mins every hour or 2.. though would advise getting some rooting mat for the bottom of your pots just to let your roots not come out the bottom so quick.... plus once they do anyway you no of the little square resivour under the pots well as the water drains way it will also water escaped roots ;).. iv a 4 pot wilma too lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your reply, since my post Ive grown my plants & have noe moved on to soil. Cheers.