PVC Pipe Hydro System


Active Member
Hello, first off: Thanks for reading this thread.

My friend had a question for you guys. He wants to try a Hydro system with PVC piping (He saw it in some video). His goal is high, high yield in as little space as possible. Basically the most efficient system.

He also wants the system to be clean and worry free. He saw a video of someone growing over 100 plants in a 4' x 6' area and he had a yield of 4 pounds or something crazy like that. This guy used a regular hydro system with tubs. Is this possible?

What is the most efficient system?


Well-Known Member
i use DWC, all it is, is like a tub or large plastic container with a lid. you grow the plants in these net cups that are put in the holes of the lid of your plastic tub. all you need is an air pump like u would use in a fish tank which is used to oxygenate the water in the tub. this allows the roots of the plants to survive in the water without the use of soil because you are injecting the water with the air /oxygen the roots need without that they would suffocate in the water once they depleated all the oxygen. this is superfast growing and one of the easyest ways to grow hydro. obviously there are many deatails, like fertilizer. check the "growfaq" above for useful information and google DWC.


Well-Known Member
ok upon reading your thread more clearly what your saw was an Aeroponic hydro setup. which works on the same principal as the above hydro system, but instead of imersing the roots in the tub of water, you have these sprayjet nosels misting the roots and feeding the plant that way. but if you are just starting out u may wanna keep it simple. but either way all this is very easy to master


Mr I Can Do That For Half
using the flood tables you can squeeze alot of small sog type growing plants but the setup your describing is more like my aer systems I build.Take a look in my gallery pictures and you will see a similar setup but I use fence posts made of pvc as they dont roll


Well-Known Member
u also need a grow light, you can get a 400watt for about $116. this should allow u to grow about a lb every 2 or so months, but only if you do everyting right and perfect

if you do need a light check this place out, best place with best prices for many of us here



Mr I Can Do That For Half
yeah I make the pvc post setups and the smaller 2,4,6,8,10 aero tubs.I do ebay on them upon request as it adds a little to the cost to pay for the auction.I also do direct orders to me and can take paypal.cashiers checks and of course cash my favorite.On the bigger post setups I can customize the size and number of sites and can use 4x4 posts or the bigger better 5x5 posts and I always suggest getting a res tun locally to save all the shipping costs.


Active Member
Thanks for the quick responses. Very friendly people here.

We saw your post filthy but it was unfinished =) even though they were unfinished the pictures were all we needed to understand how to build them (I'm an engineer, and he's an archi).

As for the flood tables we saw on the video.. (in the video he was harvesting every 2 weeks, which I think is what a sea of green is) Is that the most efficient way to produce extremely high yields? The reason I ask this is because we have limited space of about 4 feet by 6 feet and want to provide enough crop for all our friends for free. Just want to make the most out of the space we have.


Well-Known Member
u could pull 2 lbs every two months very easly in that space and would not have to complicate things by doing it for a harvest every 2 weeks.

so thats 16 oz's a month, thats 4 oz's a week, if you got 4 freinds and u each smoke an oz a week u be all good:mrgreen:

so you flower your plants for 2 months and have your clones ready to go once you harvest put the clones into flower for the next 2 months supply rinse and repeat


Active Member
can u post a link to the video you are talking about?
It's by 'seemorebuds' but I didn't watch this video on youtube or anywhere online.

The guy plants 300 plants in a 4' by 6' area and they are sprayed with water from underneath. He harvested 6.0 pounds in 72 days (54 in flowering)


Active Member
yes dont pirate that video GardenKnown is SeeMoreBuds thats his video series he filmed and sells...
Thanks for the tip. Didn't know it was legal to sell grow videos :-?
I deleted it from my previous post as well as my hard drive.

It's a very informative video on how much potential a grow op has but not much information on how to do it was given.


Active Member
Thanks for linking that page, helps a lot.

Does anyone know if it's a good system to use to get high yields? And would it be possible to layer two of these on top of one another so that a grower can make the most of the space he has... say if he were to grow short plants using the SoG method (directly from cloning to flowering) with a normal ceiling height? (Or maybe EVEN 3!? with the use of a ladder)


Well-Known Member
like anything its better to start slow and steady make sure you can grow a nice batch first then expand. its like starting a business you cant just start out like your a large coorporation. you gotta make the results happen so you feel confident in your expansion or you may find out u spent all this money and now you paid your dues and made it through your first harvest and now you know your shit. then you find out you wasted money on shit u didnt need or the wrong shit,

once you go through a succesfull grow it is like graduating marijuana college youd be surprised how much you learn over the 2 months it takes.

then once you have been there done that then its time to make your master plan.

like before the first time you had sex you shouldnt try to have a threesome with models, .....well actually you should but thats a totally different scenario:mrgreen::mrgreen: