Quanity of supplements to add?


Well-Known Member
Im making my own soil and i plan and mixing it tomorrow and putting my plants in it 3 weeks later (this is an outdoor guerilla grow, in Ireland, just thought id say)

I have 60l Westland Organic soil bags with perlite and vericulite to add.

Ive gotten garden lime, sulpahate + potash and fish blood + bone meal

On the container it says to feed as follows:

Garden lime: 100 - 200g/m2

Sulpahte and Potash 35g/m2

Fish blood and none meal 70g/m2.

Im growing in pots and will be mixing my ferts in the 60l bags but i do not know how to convert it from m2 to litres and mostly i would just like some advice as i dont want to make the soil too "hot" with the plants goin in in 3/4 weeks.

PS I also have epson salt and bat guana to add if needed

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
you are a gutsy man, I must say. With all those nutes you may end up torching them. You know if you Google soil amending you will find a few University Professors of Horticulture sharing some recipes. Most Soil is Manure---pete moss and filler like sand vermilite perlite all the lites---you know. The other stuff you have can get you outta wack fast in the burn dept. If you want to go that route I would get a test kit for soil. It has capsules and color coded so you can get it right especially with that ash or K ---that is some powerful stuff. This may be a place to get a recipe yet I have found some will give advice with conviction in their posts and are dead wrong. After I did some reading by professors of Horticulture Botany etc... Google is your friend


Well-Known Member
About 1tbl/gallon (4liters?) should do. Perhaps 2tbl/gallon with the bone.

Google LC's Soiless Mix#1 for a better idea of the ratios/amounts.



Well-Known Member
Cheers for the jnput lads.

I know i have alot of fertilizer but hopefully ill got my mix right.

Since a m2 is 1000litres should i divide the amount of fertilizer by 1000 and multiply by 60 to find out how much to mix.
Maths isnt my strong point as you can tell

Any other comments or suggestions are welcome
